Untitled Part 36

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Adelaine was the first one to wake up in the morning. She gazed at her boyfriend who was sleeping peacefully and snoring softly his arms wrapped around her loosely. She slipped out of her boyfriend's arms and started to get ready to leave.

"What time is it?" Angie's voice asked.

Adelaine smirked and said. "It's almost nine, Ang."

"Okay, Adelaine," she answered, getting out of bed completely naked.

A blush covered her face at her lack of clothes.

"It seems like you had fun last night."

Angelina threw a pillow at Adelaine playfully and said. "Oh, shut it."

"We should go check on Alicia, George told me she left the ball early because she didn't feel well."

Angelina nodded worry for her friend crossing her dark features. Angelina put on her underclothes and they left the boys dorm but not before they kissed their respective boyfriends goodbye. They walked to the girls dorm. They walked into the sound of Alicia throwing up violently in the toilet.

"Lia, you okay?" They asked.

There was a groan and then a reply that said. "Do I sound okay?"

"We should get you down to the hospital wing after we change."

Alicia groaned again and said. "Okay."

The two girls quickly changed into some clothes and escorted their friend to the Hospital Wing.

"What seems to be wrong, Ms. Spinnett?" Madame Pomfrey asked.

Alicia said. "I haven't been feeling well most of last night, I started throwing up once I reached my dorm."

"What did you eat last night?"

"I had some goulash at the ball," Alicia said.

Madame Pomfrey just nodded and said. "It probably didn't agree with you, that's all."

Adelaine and Angelina sighed in relief that their friend will be okay.

"You two may go."

The two girls left the hospital wing to see George and their respective boyfriends waiting for them.

"How's Alicia?" George asked.

"The goulash didn't seem to agree with her." Adelaine said, as Lee wrapped his arm around her.

George nodded in relief.


It was a couple days later, Adelaine was in the library trying to help Cedric figure out a way to breathe underwater. So far, they haven't had any luck.

"There's the bubble head charm," Cedric suggested.

Adelaine thought for a moment and said, "That could work, Ced."

He nodded. They put away all the books they had taken out off the shelves and left the library.

"I wonder who your precious object will be?" Adelaine said, thoughtfully.

Cedric blushed and said. "Probably Cho."

"I'm not sure if I should be upset or not," Adelaine giggled.

Cedric chuckled and said. "I bet if Lee had been able to be in the tournament you would be his precious item."

"It's stressful enough that you're in the tournament, I can't imagine how I would be if Lee was in the tournament." Adelaine said, shuddering at the thought of her boyfriend and best friend being in such a dangerous tournament.

Cedric nodded and said. "That reminds me I need to go meet Cho."

Adelaine smirked at him and said. "You know it's sad when you ditch me to be with your girlfriend."

"It's not like you don't do the same when it comes to Lee," Cedric smirked back at her as he walked away.

"I heard my name."

Adelaine turned to face her boyfriend and smiled.

"Merlin, I love your smile."

Adelaine blushed.

"So, did you find something to help Cedric breathe under water?"

Adelaine nodded and said."Yes, he's using the bubble head charm."

"I suppose that will work, who do you think his precious item will be?"


Lee nodded and said. "I know my precious item would more than definitely be you."

"It's either me or Fred or George," Adelaine giggled.

He chuckled and said. "No, it would be you, love. Unless I could have all three of you but I doubt that would be allowed."

Adelaine smiled and kissed his cheek.

"You know I much prefer you wearing your glasses to using that spell," Lee smiled back at her.

"Thanks, I like wearing my glasses too."

A few days later was Valentine's day. Again, Adelaine and Lee were forced to go to Madame Puddifoots but this time it was with Cedric and Cho. Cedric didn't look like he enjoyed it much either but he sucked it up for his girlfriend. The things you do for your significant others.


It was now time for the second task, Adelaine was walking with Lee and the twins to the lake. The twins were trying to get bets.

"You're worried aren't you, love?" Lee asked.

"That doesn't even cover it," Adelaine told him, honestly.

"Cedric will be fine, love."

Adelaine sighed and rested her head on Lee's shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her waist.

They reached the lake and sat down. Cedric and Harry went in first and then Fleur and Viktor. Fleur came up first. It turned out she couldn't get past the Grindylows. Adelaine cringed she never really cared for Grindylows. Next Viktor, came up to the surface with Hermione. Third, was Cedric with Cho. No surprise there. Last but not least, Harry came up with Ron and an unfamiliar small blonde girl, that must be Fleur's precious item. The twins rushed down to their brother. Harry and Cedric both received first place. Adelaine congratulated Cedric and helped Cho dry off. The task was over Adelaine breathed a sigh of relief.

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