Quidditch Quandries

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It was now a few days before the Gryffindor/Hufflepuff match in February. Adelaine was at the Gryffindor table when Cedric and the Hufflepuff Quidditch captain and chaser, Kyle Harries, walked up to them.

Kyle was a scrawny, medium height sixth year boy, with light black hair and blue eyes. His personality was a turn off to her- although, it didn't look like her opinion had hurt him since he was dating the most popular sixth year girl.

"Hey Ced," Adelaine greeted her honorary brother, not acknowledging the older boy.

"Hey Addie."

"What's up?" Adelaine asked, disinterestedly.

Cedric was about to protest but Kyle started, "Diggory here, was too much of a sissy to ask you this."

"That's not a good start, Harries, insulting my honorary brother like that," Adelaine snapped.

Kyle was undeterred as he continued, "You fancy Wood something fierce. I was curious if you would flirt with him to distract him at the game in a few days so we can win."

"That's not bloody likely! How dare you have the audacity to ask me that?" Adelaine fumed.

"Oh, come on," he whined.

"She said no, Harries," Fred, George and Lee snarled.

Adelaine calmed down and smiled at the two gingers and her best friend gratefully. Harries walked away, defeated.

"How do you deal with him during the Quidditch season, Ced?" Adelaine asked, flabbergasted.

"With a grain of salt," Cedric replied, shaking his head.

Adelaine nodded and said. "I share a dorm with his sister and it seems like they are almost exactly alike, I feel your pain."

"Speaking of pain do-" Lee started but Adelaine cut him off.

"I can handle it on my own, but if it comes to that you'll be the first one I ask to prank them to oblivion."

Lee sighed sadly and said. "If you say so, Lainey."

Fred and George looked confusedly at Cedric- being Purebloods they had never heard that expression he had used.

"It's a muggle expression, meaning he accepts it with some skepticism," Lee informed, them.

"You've been hanging out with me too much," Adelaine chuckled.

Adelaine was a halfblood as well but she knew a lot about muggles. Apart from Charms, Muggle Studies was her best subject.

"Not that I would have it any other way," Lee grinned at Adelaine.

"Me either," Adelaine smiled back at him.

Gryffindor won the match, and Kyle was pissed off, to say the least.

"I hope you're happy that we lost," he snarled at her on the Monday after the match walking up to her outside of her Transfiguration lesson with his sister behind him. Oh great, double trouble, cauldron bubble but she digresses.

Adelaine groaned. "I'm not in the mood to deal with you, Harries's."

"Just deal with it," Tiffany snapped at her.

"It wasn't my fault, Gryffindor was just better," Adelaine shrugged.

"Just because you didn't flirt with Wood and distract him from catching the Quaffle."

Adelaine rolled her eyes and started to walk away.

"Don't you dare roll your eyes at us," he growled, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her back towards him.

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