The First Date

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It was about two weeks later, Adelaine and Lee were about to go on their first date. They knew they didn't have to impress each other and they could just be themselves.

"Here I brought you some flowers and chocolate, per my mum's insistence," Lee smiled, appearing at her door.

Adelaine loved flowers but she went straight for the chocolate and Lee laughed.

"So, what are we going to do for our first date?"
"Bloody hell if I know, I haven't got anything planned." Lee said, inviting himself in her house and sitting on the couch.

Adelaine shook her head at her best friend/ boyfriend's antics and said, "I don't really care what we do, ya know."

"I know, Lainey."

Adelaine thought for a moment and said, "There's a cinema down the way, we could do that."

"That doesn't sound too bad. As long as we see a comedy and not a romance even though I know you like those types of movies."

Adelaine nodded and they left towards the cinema.
"What movie looks good, love?" Lee asked when they reached the marquee.

Adelaine glanced up and looked at the movies that were playing and said. "I think 'Sleepless in Seattle' looks quite good."

Lee nodded and said took out the muggle money he carries in his wallet during the summer, walked up to the ticket stand and said, "Two tickets for Sleepless in Seattle.'"

The ticket person gave them their tickets and they walked in. They bought some popcorn and drinks and walked into the theatre. They found their seats as the lights went down.
Adelaine was working on her summer homework in the middle of July. Key word was. She got distracted and was doodling Lee's name in hearts instead. She actually decided to pop by the Weasleys for a visit. She grabbed some Floo powder and Flooed over to the Burrow.

"Oh, hello dear," Molly Weasley, the matriarch of the family greeted.

Adelaine smiled at the woman and said. "Hi, Mrs. Weasley."

"It's Molly, dear. Lee and the boys are outside possibly planning a prank," Mrs. Weasley told her. She sounded a little disappointed. She never really liked that Fred and George were pranksters she much rather them be like Percy.

Adelaine nodded and walked outside. She saw the twins and Lee sitting down on a patch of grass and planning a prank. She thought for a moment and decided to go back inside.

"So, you need help with anything Mrs. Weasley?" Adelaine asked the woman.

Molly shook her head and said, "No, it's fine dear."

"Okay, I'll be in Ginny's room if Lee comes looking for me."

Molly nodded as Adelaine ascended the stairs.
Despite being almost three years older than the youngest Weasley. They got along nicely. She reached Ginny's room and knocked on her door.

"Come in!" Ginny called.

Adelaine walked in and greeted, "Hey Ginny."

"Hi, Adelaine." She greeted happily.

Adelaine smiled and asked, "Did you enjoy your first year?"

"I did, it was everything I had ever dreamed of."
Adelaine nodded.

"I thought you would be outside with my brothers and Lee," Ginny said.

The older girl shook her head and said. "They're outside planning a prank and you know how they are when they're planning pranks and besides I rather spend time with my favorite Weasley but don't tell Fred or George that."

Ginny giggled.

"So, you're in the same house as Harry," Adelaine teased the younger girl half-heartedly.

She was already blushing as red as her hair. The two girls continued talking until there was a knock on the door. Adelaine opened the door to face her boyfriend of almost a month.

"Hey love," He grinned, cheekily.

Adelaine grinned back and said. "Hey Lee."

He pulled her into a brief kiss. Although, the kiss didn't seem brief enough for Percy's liking who was walking out of his room.

"That's the last thing, I want to see before lunch." He complained.

Adelaine rolled her eyes.

"Sod off, Perce. We're not at Hogwarts," George said, defending his friend's display of affection.
This actually made him realize that he was only single one of their group.

Fred defended them as well and said. "Well, Ginny told us she caught you in a much more compromising position with the blonde Ravenclaw Prefect."

The studious Weasley glared at his prankster twin brothers, his little sister and his twin brother's best friends.

Although Adelaine didn't tend to get along with Percy she couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for him since she knows what it feels like to be the 'black sheep' of the family since she felt like she was the 'black sheep' of her mum's family, especially after her cousin was born when she was ten. Only Lee knew exactly how she felt about her mum's family.

"Lunch!" Mrs. Weasley hollered.

The group went downstairs and ate.
"I should get back, I almost forgot that my cousin is visiting from Beauxbatons."

George suddenly got an idea at the mention of Adelaine's cousin.

Lee kissed Adelaine goodbye much to the chagrin of Percy and Ron but Ginny was smiling.

"Adelaine , I need to ask you something." George said.

She turned to the ginger and asked, "What's up?"
"Do you think you could set me up with your cousin?"

Adelaine chuckled and said, "Funny you should ask that she's always had a little crush on you."


Adelaine nodded. She Flooed back to her house.
A few hours after she got home her cousin arrived. This cousin was a year younger than her. She was a lot like Leslie in some aspects but not exactly. Especially when Adelaine and her were younger they used to get mistaken for sisters.

"You know who asked about you today?" Adelaine smirked.

Her cousin thought for a moment and said, "That cute redhead that you're friends with, perhaps."
"Yep, he's the only single one in our group since I've been dating Lee for almost a month now." Adelaine smiled at the mention of her boyfriend.

Her cousin nodded excitedly. The two girls continued talking.

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