Untitled Part 27

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It was now late July, Lee rushed into the building excitedly.

"Lee, is there something wrong?" Adelaine asked.

He just grinned and said. "You'll never guess what my dad just told me."

"What's that?" Adelaine asked, grinning back.

"We're going to the Quidditch World Cup this year," he told her.

"That's great."

He didn't respond he just kissed Adelaine eagerly. She kissed back as eagerly just to show Jeremy that she was taken and maybe that would stop the advances. Lee wrapped his arms around his girlfriend's waist and deepened the kiss. Lee was shocked when she allowed his hands to wander down to her bum which she rarely did when they were in public but in private it's a different story.

"Oi!, this is obvious the boyfriend you never shut up about," Chance exclaimed.

Adelaine pulled away from Lee and said. "Yes, this is Lee."

"Lee Jordan, nice to meet you mate."

"You as well, I'm Chance Franklin."

Lee nodded and said. "Well, I should get going."


He kissed her on the forehead and left. Adelaine gazed at his retreating form.

"Adelaine." Chance said, snapping his fingers in front of her.

She blushed and turned to her friend.

"You two seem quite happy," He said sadly.

Adelaine noticed the tone in his voice and said, "You'll find someone, I'm sure of it."


"I could set you up with one of the Quidditch team girls from school."

Chance frowned and said. "Thanks for the offer but Quidditch bores me and I'm not really interested in girls."

"Does that mean you're -" Adelaine hesitated.

Chance smirked and said. "You can say the word, Adelaine but yes I'm gay."

"Alright, that's fine with me."

Chance sighed and said. "I wish Lila was as accepting as you are, that's the real reason she doesn't like me not because I got kicked out of school for playing a prank. It was more that I got kicked out for snogging my boyfriend in the broom closet. My school was very conservative."

Adelaine nodded.


It was now a few weeks later, precisely Adelaine's sixteenth birthday. She and Lee were going out for dinner.

"You ready, love?" Lee asked as he walked into the building.

"Just about."

Lee nodded.

"It's nice to see you again, Lee," Chance greeted.

"You too."

Chance smiled and said. "I may not have the authority to do this since Adelaine isn't just your girlfriend but also your best friend."

"That she is," Lee grinned.

"I've become quite fond of her, she's become like a sister to me and if you hurt her -" Lee cut him off.

"I would never hurt her."

"That's good to know."

Lee nodded and asked. "So, I have no competition?"

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