The Chamber of Secrets is Opened

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It was now Halloween. Adelaine was walking with the twins and Lee when she saw Harry, Hermione and Ron standing by the wall. She also noticed that Filch's cat was frozen.

"What's the wall say?" Fred asked.

"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened, enemies of the heir beware," George read off.

Adelaine shivered and Lee tightened his grip around her. McGonagall was the first professor to arrive and she visibly paled at the sight of the wall.

"Who did this?" Filch asked, pain in his voice.

Nobody liked him but Adelaine couldn't help but feel sympathy for the old caretaker that cat was his only friend.

McGonagall glanced at the two gingers and the dreadlocked boy suspiciously.

"This wasn't our doing, professor. As much we don't like Filch. Adelaine would hex me to oblivion if we hurt his cat since she has a penchant for cats and we just got here," Lee said.

"You better believe it," Adelaine smirked at him.

McGonagall nodded.


After this incident is when all hell started to break loose. Adelaine was on a mission to find out what's wrong. And when she's on a mission she's relentless.

It's the third night in a row she was in the library deep in loads of books.

"Lainey, you in there?" Lee asked with a teasing smile.

"Yes, and this isn't the time. Lee," She said, frustrated.

"Give it a rest for now, the books will be there in the morning," Lee said, shrugging nonchalantly.

"I will not give it a rest, Lee Patrick Jordan!"

Lee shrunk back slightly. He knew Adelaine well enough to know that she only used his middle name when she was angry or hungry. Judging by the fact that she missed dinner she's probably starving.

"Not so loud, Ms. Romero," The librarian, Madam Pince scolded, shooing her out.

"But Madam Pince," Adelaine whined.

The very strict librarian was not budging as she walked back to her station

Adelaine turned, glared at Lee and exclaimed. "I hope you're happy you got me kicked out of the library!"

"When was the last time you ate?" Lee asked.

She shrugged nonchalantly and said. "I don't know, maybe lunch. I think Cedric may have brought me something but I just nibbled at it."

"I suppose we're going to the kitchens before I walk you to the Hufflepuff common room," Lee said, throwing his arm around her.

She didn't have the energy to shake it off but she had the energy to argue back. "I'm not hungry," Adelaine denied but her stomach betrayed her.

Lee shook his head, laughed and said. "So, I suppose that was just the wind."

"Yes," Adelaine replied, nodding trying to get Lee to believe her.

"That's not going to work, Lainey."

Adelaine shook her head and said, "Oh, bugger."

"Alright come on," Lee said.

They walked towards the kitchens. The house elves were happy to give Adelaine some leftovers from the night's dinner. She hungrily ate them up.

"That makes me feel much better knowing you're not going to bed hungry,"  Lee smiled.

Adelaine smiled at him slightly.

"You have a bit of food there," Lee said, conjuring a tissue and wiping the corner of her mouth.


They held the gaze for a few long seconds. Lee has never noticed the smidgen of grey in her eyes. Actually he's never really noticed her eyes since she wore glasses. What's coming over him?

"Mr. Jordan, Ms. Romero, what are you doing out at this hour?" McGonagall asked, interrupting the moment.

The two of them of them turned to the stern Transfiguration mistress identical light blushes forming over their features.

"Well, I hope you two weren't playing a prank," She said, sternly.

Lee shook his head and said. "I found Adelaine in the library she was buried in books and she hadn't eaten since lunch. So, we went to the kitchens so she could eat."

"I suppose that's fine, but I'll take off twenty points each. Does that seem fair?" She asked. 

She knew the dreadlocked boy meant well because she knew he wouldn't want his best friend to go hungry.

"Yes, that's fair. Professor," Adelaine smiled at the Transfiguration professor.

"But I'll escort you two back to your respective common rooms. It's not safe for you two to be alone," McGonagall said.

The two of them nodded. McGonagall first escorted Adelaine to her common room.

"I'll see you in the morning, Lainey," Lee said, hugging her.

She hugged him back, tapped the barrel and crawled in. Lee and McGonagall walked back to the Gryffindor common room. Lee recited the password and walked in the common room.

"Where have you been, Lee?" Fred asked.

He told his friends where he was as they walked up to their dormitory.

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