2005 - Part 1

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WC: 1,958

The past four and half years have been eventful. Just a few months after Ari was born George and Angelina got married. Adelaine set up Katie and Oliver they've been married for two years now. Leslie had another baby as well a baby girl named after her mum. She was actually pregnant again. Right after Ari turned four they moved into a new house. It had five bedrooms and two bathrooms. Adelaine and Lee promptly christened the shower the morning they moved in. Their second child was more than likely conceived in said shower back in June. Lee's wizarding Wireless station was expanding to nationwide instead of just city wide. Adelaine was so proud of her husband.

Adelaine and Lee were getting ready to go to the ten-year anniversary of Dumbledore's Army party.

"How are my two favorite girls? Lee asked walking in to their bedroom as Adelaine was doing their daughter's hair.

"Good daddy, can I go with you and mummy to this party. Mummy says I can't she says its a grown up party," she said, fluttering her eyelashes up at Lee.

Lee was trying hard not to give into his daughter's puppy dog eyes. He's wrapped around her finger and she knows it just like her beautiful mum.


"I'm sorry you can't come with us, Ari, you're going over gran and grandpa's."

Ariana sighed and said. "Okay, daddy."

"I'm all done, sweetie," Adelaine said.

Ariana nodded and said. "Thanks, mummy."

"You're welcome, sweetie," she said kissing her daughter's forehead.

Ariana ran out of the room.

"She's so much like you, it's uncanny," Adelaine said, turning around revealing her four month pregnant stomach.

"Except she has your beautiful eyes," Lee smiled, walking over to her and brushing her cheek with his thumb.

"I suppose so."

"You know Ari asked about my scars a few days ago," Lee said.

Adelaine glanced at her husband's blood quill scars. Despite it being almost ten years since he received those scars there were still quite visible especially to Adelaine.

"I couldn't bring myself to tell her what they were. Merlin, I still have flashbacks and nightmares about that night," Lee said, shuddering as he sat on the bed.

Adelaine sat down next to her husband and started to rub his back to comfort him. As always Lee slowly relaxed as his wife rubbed his back.

"Thanks, love."

Adelaine kissed her husband's cheek.

"How's the next 'Baby Jordan' been treating you today?" He asked resting his hand on her stomach to get his mind off his scars.

"A lot of kicking," she groaned.

Lee leaned over, kissed her stomach sweetly and asked. "Are you sure you're up for this party we could just stay home?"

"That sounds quite tempting to be honest but we don't want to miss this."

Lee nodded and said. "Okay, just checking."

"Alright, let's get Ari to your parents house."

They Flooed Ari over to Lee's parent's house and Flooed to the Potter's house.

"Oh, you guys made it," came Ginny's voice.

The couple turned to see the younger redhead walking down the stairs.

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