Untitled Part 52

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It was now late June, Adelaine was in the common room and when in the corner of her eye she noticed her Dumbledore's Army galleon glowing. That's curious.

She decided to go check what was wrong. It turns out there was a battle going on. She decided to join. There were a few casualties including Dumbledore. Bill Weasley was attacked by Fenrir Greyback, a known werewolf so most of the Weasley family was in the hospital wing.

Madame Pomfrey and a healer from St. Mungos were doing checkups on everyone who took part in the battle.

"Ms. did you know you were pregnant?" the healer from St. Mungos asked her quietly.

Adelaine filled the healer in softly. "It's Mrs. Jordan but I didn't know I was pregnant, how far along am I?"

The healer frowned and said. "I'm afraid the hex you took to your stomach and the added stress of the battle caused you to have a miscarriage. You were about two and half months along at the point."

Before Adelaine could respond Lee rushed into the hospital wing with the twins trailing behind him.

"Are you okay, love?" he asked, rushing over to his wife.

"I'm fine, Lee," she assured him not bringing up the fact that she had just miscarried their first child since this wasn't about her.

He pulled his wife to his chest and said. "I'm so glad, I don't know what I would do without you Mrs. Jordan."

Everyone's jaws dropped collectively except for Dora, Hermione, Fred, Madame Pomfrey and George since they already knew.

"How long have you two been married?" Molly asked slightly disapprovingly.

"About five months now," Lee grinned, still holding Adelaine to his chest.

Molly asked. "What does your mother think?"

"Mrs. Weasley, my beloved mum is a muggle-born so she suggested that we get married before we had to send her to America and obliviate her. Fred and George were my best men and Dora was one of the maids of honor," he smiled at his ginger best mates and his god-sister.

Adelaine smiled up at her husband and said. "And you being the mummy's boy you are, you couldn't say no."

"Yeah, I couldn't say no."

They had Dumbledore's funeral, Adelaine and Lee went home. Adelaine had trouble sleeping. She got up, went down to the kitchen and made some tea.


Lee reached for his wife but her spot was empty. That's curious.

He wandered down to their kitchen to see his wife sitting at the table drinking tea.

"What are you doing up, love?" he asked sweetly.

She turned to him tear stains on her face.

He walked over to her, held her and asked. "What's wrong, upset about Dumbledore?"

"It's not that."

Lee thought for a moment his wife rarely had trouble sleeping.

"Be honest with me, am I stupid?" she asked.

"You're one of the brightest people I know."

Adelaine groaned, pushed his arms off her, got up and exclaimed, "Don't give me that, if I'm so smart how did I not know I was bloody pregnant!"

Lee's jaw dropped and questioned. "Pregnant?"


"I'm going to be a dad?"

Adelaine frowned and said. "Not quite, I miscarried the baby thanks to a hex I took to the stomach and the added stress during the battle," she sobbed, completely crumpling to the kitchen floor before Lee could catch her.

He kneeled down next to his wife, pulled her to his chest and whispered. "I don't blame you for miscarrying our baby. You didn't know you were pregnant."

"How did I not know I was pregnant, I'm stupid."

He kissed her forehead and said. "No, you're not."

"Yes, I am," she insisted.

Lee shook his head and said. "How far along were you?"

"About two months and half months."

"So, our child was conceived back in April or so. You weren't showing quite yet."

Adelaine thought for a moment and said. "I did notice that I gained about ten pounds the last two months but they weren't in my stomach."

"Yeah, they were on your hips instead," he smirked.

He had throughly enjoyed the extra few pounds on his wife's hips they had made them much rounder.

"But I still feel stupid. If I hadn't joined the battle I would still be pregnant."

Lee said. "You were just doing your duty to Dumbledore's Army, like a true Hufflepuff."

He just held her to his chest and she sobbed until she fell asleep. He fell asleep as well.


Somehow by the next morning they ended up sleeping by one of the cabinet doors. Lee woke up first. His arms still tightly wrapped around his wife. He noticed his right hand which still had visible blood quill scars was resting on his wife's stomach where their son or daughter would've been.

"Lee?" Adelaine asked, sleepily.

He looked down at his wife and said. "Morning love."

"We slept down here after my breakdown?"

Lee nodded and said. "Yes, we did because I didn't want to wake you once you fell asleep."

"So, you don't blame me?"

Lee shook his head and kissed his wife's forehead. The couple got up and started their day.

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