Mr. Almost

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Everyone found out that Lockhart was a fraud so they sacked him. Adelaine, thanked Merlin for that and she thought Leslie would be devastated but she seemed indifferent. They were teacher less. Christmas was as same as last year, books from Mrs. Jordan and lots and lots of chocolate.

She noticed Moaning Myrtle's bathroom was surprisingly being used a few days after Christmas. Her curiosity got the best of her and she decided to go check.

"Hello?" She called.

"Adelaine?" That familiar bossy voice asked.

She was confused what was Hermione doing in here other then the possible obvious things you do in a bathroom.

"Is that you, Adelaine?" Hermione asked again.

"Yes, it's me."

"Okay, I thought it was a teacher," Hermione sighed in relief.

Adelaine looked around it looked like Hermione was brewing a potion. She wondered why and again her curiosity got the best of her.

"It's the Polyjuice potion." Hermione said.

Adelaine looked at her she knew that potion was very high up. It's very shocking that a second year can brew this even someone as smart as Hermione. Not even Adelaine could brew the potion but Potions was her worst subject. The door opened again. Adelaine turned to see her friend's younger brother and Harry.

"What's Adelaine doing here?" Ron asked in almost the same tone Percy would use.

At least he used her name more often instead of calling her the 'Hufflepuff' and she told him. "My curiosity got the better of me."

"Did you tell her anything, she might tell Fred and George or even worse McGonagall," Ron said, worriedly.

Adelaine glanced at the redhead and snapped slightly. "I can keep a secret, Ronald."

She doesn't know what it is about Ron and Percy that she can't seem to like.

"I trust her," Hermione said.

"I trust her too," Harry agreed and continued. "Although, it is quite obvious she still fancies Oliver; But that's beside the point, I think we can trust her to keep our secret." He said with a hint of a playful smirk at the older girl.

Adelaine shook her head blushing. It's even obvious to a second year that she fancies Oliver just how transparent is she?

Ron grumbled. He knew he was already out numbered.

Adelaine realized that this might help her figure out what's wrong with Leslie. Hermione and Harry filled her in. She nodded she was still quite shocked but impressed that three second-years were brewing such a difficult potion.

The next term started and like she promised Lee she would talk to Oliver. Presently, she was waiting for him outside his Transfiguration lesson. She was causal acquaintances with the Hufflepuff sixth-year prefect Gabriel Truman so she knew that Hufflepuffs had NEWT Transfiguration with the Gryffindors. She saw the familiar head of brown hair walk out of the classroom.

"Oliver!" She exclaimed running after him being careful not to fall.

The brunette boy turned to smile at her and said, "Hey Adelaine, how did you know I was in the class?"

"I have my connections, Wood," She said.

"Namely, me," Gabriel Truman said, playfully butting in the conversation.

"Bug off, Truman," Adelaine laughed.

He laughed and said. "I could take off points for that, but instead I'll do you a favor and leave you two lovebirds alone," And with that he walked away.

"So, we've been flirting and making eyes at each other for almost two years now. We both like each other. Do I have to be the Gryffindor and make the first move?" Adelaine asked, bluntly as they sauntered down the corridor.

She was rarely this blunt but she had to know why. Oliver didn't respond, he just calmly pushed Adelaine against the nearest wall and gave her a sweet kiss.

Adelaine was expecting fireworks to go off but there was nothing but awkwardness. She expected it to be like her dreams but it wasn't. Even though a first kiss is supposed to be awkward but not this type of awkward.

"How's that for being a Gryffindor?" He slightly smirked at her.

"Kiss me again!" She practically demanded pulling him by his robe and connecting their lips for the second time.

Again, there was absolutely no chemistry. What's wrong with her?

"Ms. Romero, Mr. Wood." Snape drawled as they jumped apart not even a bit ashamed about being caught snogging.

Adelaine knew they were both in for a tough detention because Oliver was a Gryffindor and she was best friends with Lee and the twins.

"Follow me to my office, if you please," He said practically, giddily.

Oliver and Adelaine started to follow Snape to his office.

"Please sit," He instructed.

The two of them sat down in the chairs from Snape's desk.

"So, finally I get to punish you two. I say twenty points from Gryffindor and forty from Hufflepuff."

"That's not fair, why do I get more points taken off we were both snogging," Adelaine said, glaring at the Potions master.

Snape had a smug smirk on his face as he said. "I think you can figure that out for yourself, Ms. Romero. And for that cheek you get detention."


"You two are excused."

The two of them left the office and went their separate ways.

Adelaine walked to the Hufflepuff common room still ticked off that Oliver got less points taken off than she did. This is just because she's friends with Lee and twins but so is Oliver. She was also quite curious why she didn't feel anything when she kissed Oliver when she's fancied him since her second year. She tapped the barrels from memory and walked in the Hufflepuff common room.

"Where have you been?" Cedric asked, worriedly rushing up to her.

Adelaine didn't reply she just threw herself on the couch groaning, dramatically.

"Tell me what's up, Addie," he said, sitting down on the couch next to her putting her feet on his lap.

"I have detention with Snape and forty points taken away," She said, flipping over.

Cedric's eyes widened and he asked. "What did you do?"

"He caught me snogging Oliver," She said a blush covering her features.

"So, you finally made a move?"

Adelaine nodded and said. "Thanks to the encouragement from Lee."

Cedric laughed and said."I rather not hear about the kiss; but I know you're going to tell me anyway."

"Yep. He was a good kisser but there was absolutely no chemistry," Adelaine sighed sadly.

"So, I suppose you were a victim of your imagination," Cedric said.

Adelaine nodded.

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