Lee's Reaction

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George walked back to the common room.

"Where did McGonagall take Harry?" Ron asked his brother.

"He has to help Adelaine and Cedric save their friend from the Chamber of Secrets." George answered.

"Adelaine is going down to the Chamber, I hope she'll be okay." Angie said, burying her head into Fred's shoulder.

"She thinks Lee won't care that's she putting herself in so much danger," George sighed, sitting between his two brothers.

"We all know that he will care." Angelina agreed.

"Of course, it's always been so obvious how much he cares about her. Besides Quidditch, pranks and his mum. She's the next important thing in his life," Fred remarked.

"She's not even in our house, he shouldn't care so much about her," Ron said, tactlessly.

Fred glared at his younger brother and said. "Don't let Lee hear you say that. If he did he'd probably hex you to oblivion."

Before anyone else could respond Lee walked in. He looked so happy at least for now.

"What's going on, why is it so quiet?" He asked.

George walked over to his friend and said. "Adelaine went down to the chamber to save Leslie."

In response, Lee practically crumpled down on the empty couch across from everyone.

"Is she actually worth all this?" Ron asked.

"Fred, George please tell Ron to leave before I end up hexing him," Lee mumbled, against a pillow.

The twins glared at their younger brother and he left. They both knew that they didn't even know Adelaine as well as Lee did. After all, he was her best friend.

Angelina left her boyfriend and his brother to comfort their friend the best they could but Lee was inconsolable.

"What if I never get to tell Adelaine that I fancy her?" Lee asked.

George patted his back in comfort and said. "I'm sure you will and then you'll get married and have little dreadlocked Qudditch commentating bookworm babies or dreadlocked prankster babies."

Lee chuckled lightly at his friend's remark and said. "It's a bit soon for that isn't it?"

"I suppose so, but it got you to laugh."

"Yeah it did, thanks."

George nodded.

"You know what I'm going down to the Hospital Wing until she comes back," Lee said getting up from the couch.

Fred and George nodded not even bothering to argue with their best mate. Lee left the common room and hurried towards the hospital wing.

"Oh, hello Mr. Jordan," The medi-witch greeted.

"Madame Pomfrey, you mind if I wait here for Lainey- er- I mean Adelaine," He asked a blush covering his face at almost referring to Adelaine by her nickname to the medi-witch.

The medi-witch shook her head and said. "Not at all."

It's not like she didn't expect this. It was obvious to everyone how much he cared about the girl. Not that she'd admit it but she, Minerva and Pomona had a bet going on about when they would get together.

Lee nodded and walked in. He started to pace the floor. That's another thing Adelaine and him had in common they pace when faced with a crisis.

A few hours later, four people were carried in. Lee rushed over to Adelaine the minute she was laid down. His heart ached terribly just looking at how pale and lifeless she looked.

"All their magical cores are worn out but especially Mr. Potter's and Ms. Hopkins," The medi-witch explained.

Lee asked instantly. "How long will it take her to wake up?"

"That's hard to say, Mr. Jordan."

Lee sighed. He's staying here until she kicks him out. He had to tell Adelaine how he felt about her. The medi-witch fussed over the four of them. After fussing over them she left. Lee decided he couldn't just sit next to her bed so he slipped into bed next to her, wrapped his arms around her and fell asleep.


The first people to walk in the hospital wing the next morning were Professor Sprout and McGonagall.

"Oh, isn't that sweet." Sprout cooed glancing over at Lee and Adelaine fast asleep; his arms still wrapped around her holding onto her for dear life.

McGonagall followed her friend's glance and smiled. Madame Pomfrey walked in next. She instantaneously noticed the two fourth-years sleeping blissfully. She usually didn't allow this but she'll let it slide just this once.

"I think we should wait until they wake up." McGonagall said.

Everyone else nodded and they left the hospital wing.

A few hours later Lee stretched almost forgetting that he wasn't in the Gryffindor dorms. He looked down to see Adelaine nestled into his chest. He couldn't help but smile.

"Lainey, you have to wake up. I have something really important to tell you," He practically begged.

At his words she stirred slightly and opened her eyes. He breathed a sigh of relief. He resisted the urge to kiss her.

"I thought I heard your voice but I thought I was hearing things."

"I was terrified that I lost you," he said, bluntly stroking her cheek softly.


Brown eyes looked into hazel.

"Lee, what happen?" She asked sleep, still obvious in her voice.

"You, Cedric and Harry went down to the chamber to save Leslie," He informed her.

She nodded and asked, "Are they okay?"

This is so Adelaine caring if others are okay before herself.


"I think so."

Adelaine finally noticed her position in Lee's arms and said. "This is the most affectionate you've been with me in months."

"Yeah, about that," He said suddenly nervous.

He could feel himself growing a little hard if you catch his drift. This wasn't the time.

"I thought you were mad at me," Adelaine said, tearfully.

Lee took her face in his hands and said tenderly. "Hey now, I've never made you cry except maybe from laughter but I rather not start now." His eyes lingered on her red lips

Adelaine smiled at him and asked. "I have you back now, don't I?"

He nodded and said. "As you wish, Lainey."

"Mr. Jordan, please let me do a check up." Madame Pomfrey said.

Lee sighed, on a whim he kissed Adelaine's forehead, slipped out of bed and left. Even a simple forehead kiss had more chemistry then her kiss with Oliver. Though Lee, had never kissed her forehead before. Madame Pomfrey smiled at the blushing girl as she did the check up.

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