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It was the next day the family was having breakfast when an owl flew in. Adelaine took the letter off the bird's leg as Lee fed it a piece of bacon. She opened the letter it was from Tabby.

Dear Aunt Addie,

I love Hogwarts. I was sorted into Hufflepuff like you and mum. I don't think my dad will be disappointed he has Katie and Lina to be sorted into Ravenclaw. My favorite subject is Defense although I think that's because the professor is cute with his Irish accent and everything. The Herbology Professor says he knows you. I found a friend in Sarah Fields, a muggle born like my mum. She's also my dorm mate along with twins Amelia and Anna Harries. The twins aren't very nice though.



P.S. I know you told me about the owl that was here when you going to school. I think she died but the owl I chose is her offspring. I named her Demeter or Dem for short to follow the tradition.

Adelaine looked up from the letter and shook her head chuckling softly.

"What's so funny?"

"She's just like her mother crushing on a Professor."

Lee shrugged.

"She also said the Herbology Professor said he knows me, but I can't think of who that would be."

Lee thought for a moment and said. "Wasn't Neville good at Herbology?"

"I think so."

Lee nodded. Adelaine wondered what brought her up in conversation.

November 2008

It was the middle of November now, Adelaine and Lee were having some time alone or at least they were until they were interrupted by a letter from the Headmistress.

"I hope we can continue this later," Lee smirked rolling off his wife.

"We'll see, but if not you can wait another week for your birthday."

Lee sighed reluctantly. The letter was concerning Tabby. She hoped nothing was wrong with her god daughter. Adelaine kissed her husband goodbye and flooed to Hogwarts.

"Hello Mrs. Jordan," The Headmistress greeted her former student.

"Hello Minerva."

"Follow me to my office."

Adelaine nodded and followed the elder woman to her office. She noticed two all familiar faces sitting in her office. They were Tiffany and Kyle. She had made the connection with the name Harries but who in their right mind would marry him.

"What a pleasure to see you," Tiffany said.

"You too," Adealine said civilly as she sat down next to a frowning Tabby.

McGonagall sat down and said. "It seems like the rivalry that you two had carried down to your daughter/niece and god daughter."

"It wasn't a rivalry, Minerva. She and Joanna bullied me and Leslie relentlessly from our first year. Kyle tried to get me to flirt with Oliver to distract him so Hufflepuff would win in my third year."

McGonagall hated playing dirty.

"We did nothing of the sort!" Kyle and Tiffany yelled in unison.

Adelaine said. "So, what did Tabby do?"

"They were bullying her friend Sarah and she jinxed them."

Adelaine shook her head and said. "Your just like your mum, she would always defend me but I defended her too."

"I think the reasonable punishment would be twenty points from Hufflepuff and detention with Professor Longbottom."

"That sounds about right."

Tiffany and Kyle nodded silently.

"Did you say Professor Longbottom?" Adealine asked Minerva.

She smiled and said. "Yes, Neville is the Herbology Professor."

Adelaine nodded and the group left her office.

"You needed to learn your place among the Purebloods like us, you lowly halfbreed. That's why we bullied you and that mudblood slag."

Adelaine bristled and said. "You know I would hex you like I did in third year but I rather keep it civil."

"You don't have your husband and his friends to prank us to oblivion. Oh, I forgot your ginger friend died in the war as did Diggory."

"Don't you dare mention their names in vain!"

"And let's not forget that weirdo who could change her hair."

Suddenly something was dropped on the siblings. Adelaine looked up to see Peeves.

"Thanks Peeves," she thanked the normally annoying poltergeist. The only person who could control Peeves was the Bloody Baron and Fred when he was alive anyway.

"You're welcome."

"That was awesome!" Tabby exclaimed.

Adelaine walked her god daughter to the Hufflepuff common room and said goodbye. As she walked out of the castle and apparated home.

"Hey love," Lee greeted.


"So, what did the headmistress want?"

Adelaine told him everything as they ate.

"I suppose you're too tired to continue what we were doing earlier," Lee smirked.

Adelaine nodded.

It was a week later and time for Lee's birthday. They did indeed make love a few times but not as much as last year.


December 2008

It was now right before Christmas. Adelaine was baking some Christmas biscuits when Lee wrapped his arms around her.

"Hey love," he grinned.

"Hey," she smiled leaning into him.

"So, when were you going to tell me that you're pregnant again?" he smirked.

"How did you know?"

"I've known you for almost twenty years, you've been my best friend for just as long, we've been together for fifteen," Adelaine cut him off with a kiss.

"You're rambling, Paddy."

"And you've been my wife for almost twelve," Lee said, resting his hand on her growing baby bump.

"You know when this child was conceived."


Adelaine smiled, twirled one of his dreadlocks around her finger and said. "You remember when you were sick?"

"I do, I repaid you by making love to you."

Adelaine stroked his unshaven cheek and said. "Yes, you did."

"I hope this pregnancy isn't as difficult as the last one."

"So, far it hasn't been."

Lee nodded and joked. "Maybe we'll end up having seven kids with the way we're going."

"This is the last time, Lee."

He chuckled and said. "You know you can't resist me because I'm so good in bed."

"I won't deny that but this is the last time."

Lee grumbled. Christmas came and went.


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