Untitled Part 46

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A few days passed, Lee was spending the day with his grandpa.

"You really love Adelaine, don't you?"

Lee grinned and said. "Yes, I'm completely and utterly smitten with her."

"Have you been thinking of proposing to her?"

"Actually yes, I already asked her dad's permission and got mom's old ring that dad gave her."

He nodded and said. "How are you going to do it?"

"I haven't planned that far actually. Didn't you say that you were going to take us to muggle baseball game? That's what it's called right?"

"Yeah, that's what it's called."

Lee nodded and said. "Is there a way to propose to her there?"

"Yes, there is."

Lee nodded again.


It was now the day of the game. Adelaine noticed Lee looked especially nervous.

"Everything okay, Lee?"

"Yes," he assured her.

Adelaine nodded.

"So, what are the rules of this game, grandpa?" Lee asked.

His grandfather explained the rules to the his grandson and his girlfriend.

"So, it's a bit like cricket?"

"I guess."

Adelaine looked over at her boyfriend and asked, "You've read about cricket?"

"If it's a book about a sport I will read it, you should know that love."

"Oh, right."

The game started.

It was now the seventh inning or whatever it's called. Adelaine had noticed Lee was more antsy then usual coming up to this inning.

"It's time for a kiss-cam," The announcer said.

The camera soon stopped on Lee and Adelaine.

"Should we kiss?" Adelaine asked.

Lee smirked at her and said. "I have something much better." He said kneeling down in front of her.

Adelaine gasped as he took the ring out of his pocket.

"Love, we've been together for three years now. I know I usually never shut up but I know if I start talking about how much I love you I'll definitely never shut up. I'll keep it short for once and ask, Will you become Mrs. Jordan?"

"Of course, you prat," Adelaine giggled, tears steadily falling out of her eyes.

Lee slipped the ring on her finger and he pulled her into a long kiss. The camera was off them by the end of the kiss.

Adelaine and Lee sat back down.

The game ended. Everyone except Lee's grandma was happy about the engagement.

"You know you will never be good enough for my grandson no matter what that ring says," she told, Adelaine cattily sounding like a teenage girl.

Adelaine sighed and bit her tongue not wanting to go off on Lee's grandmother.

It was later that night Adelaine was reading in bed when Lee slipped into bed next to her.

"Something wrong, love?" he asked.

Adelaine shook her head and said. "I'm fine, Lee."

"You know I know you better than that, love," he said.

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