The Kitten

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It was a few days later Adelaine was walking the grounds with she heard a soft meow. She followed the sound to a bush, she parted the bush and saw a small white kitten. It looked almost a few weeks old. Adelaine hesitantly crept towards the small animal and picked it up. She knew exactly where to take it, Hagrid's since he was the Care of Magical Creatures Professor.

Although, this cat was not a magical cat but she was positive that Hagrid could be able to help. She rushed towards the small hut and knocked on the door.

"Oh, 'ello Adelaine, " He greeted happily.

Adelaine smiled at the professor and said, "Hello, Professor. I found a kitten in a bush." She finished adjusting the small kitten in her arms.

"She looks almost two months old." He said observing the kitten.

Adelaine nodded and said, "She doesn't look very healthy."

"Let me see."

Adelaine hesitantly handed the giant of a man the tiny kitten. The kitten meowed. That awoke Hagrid's boar hound Fang.

Despite his name, he's a big coward and liked to slobber over everyone and everything.

"Yes, she's not very healthy." Hagrid told her frowning.

Adelaine mirrored his frown and said, "What would you suggest I do?"

"I can help you take care of her, if you'd like."

"That's exactly why I brought her to you."

Hagrid nodded smiling.

The two of them began taking care of the kitten.

"I better get to dinner, Thanks Professor." Adelaine said.

"You're welcome."

Adelaine rushed to the Great Hall and she gracelessly plopped herself down between her boyfriend and George.

"Hey love," Lee said, turning to her and kissing her cheek.

Adelaine smiled and greeted, "Hey Lee." As she filled her plate taking care of that kitten took a lot out of her and she was starving.

"Somebody's hungry." Lee smirked at her.

Adelaine took a huge bite of her food and it tasted heavenly. She continued eating and talking to the twins and Lee. She hadn't seen them all day since they had detention.

After dinner, Lee walked her back to her common room.

"Bye Lainey," He said kissing her cheek briefly.


The couple parted ways.

Adelaine continued taking care of the kitten with Hagrid's help. Lee started to wonder what was going on but before he hadn't had the chance to ask it was time for the first Quidditch match of the season.

Usually, the first Quidditch match was Gryffindor/Slytherin but being the over dramatic baby he was Malfoy insisted he couldn't play because his arm was hurt from his encounter with Buckbeak, Hagrid's usually gentle hippogriff. Not even animals like him.

So, with that said it was Hufflepuff/Gryffindor instead. The game went on as normal until there was a familiar chill in the air. Just like he did on the train Harry fainted and fell off his broom.

This gave Cedric the chance to catch the snitch and Hufflepuff won but knowing Cedric he'll probably offer to replay the game.

Adelaine walked into the Quidditch team room the girls were fussing over Harry. She saw the twins and Lee in the corner.

"Hey Lainey," Lee greeted.

Adelaine smiled at her boyfriend and finally noticing that Oliver was missing she asked, "Where's Oliver?"

"In the showers, we think he's trying to drown himself," George laughed.

He had told the exact thing to Harry earlier. Adelaine chuckled at his remark that sounds like something he would do. The kitten Adelaine had found was getting quite healthy now. She had become attached to it and named it Diamond which made sense seeing as that was a Hufflepuff and diamonds were in the hourglass.

It was one day after class when Adelaine decided to talk to her.


The stern Transfiguration professor turned to her.

"A few weeks ago, I found a beautiful white kitten and Professor Hagrid has been helping me take care of her. She's quite healthy now. Can I keep her?" Adelaine asked hopefully.

McGonagall nodded and said, "You're allowed to have a cat Ms. Romero per school rules."

Adelaine knew that was her way of saying yes. So she rushed out of the class and towards Hagrid's cabin and she almost ran into her boyfriend.

"What's the rush, love?" He grinned.

Adelaine didn't respond she just took his hand and pulled him by the hand eagerly. Usually, it was the other way around.

"I find this side of you quite attractive," Lee said.

Although he liked the shy side of his girlfriend equally as much. Adelaine knocked on Hagrid's door rapidly.

Hagrid opened the door and greeted. "Oh, hello Adelaine and Lee."

"Hello Professor," Adelaine greeted.

Lee was confused why they were here.

"Professor McGonagall, said I can keep the kitten." Adelaine said happily.

Kitten, when Adelaine get a kitten?

"That's good, although Fang has become quite attached to her," Hagrid chuckled.

Adelaine glanced over at the big black dog was sleeping with his body wrapped around the kitten. The kitten woke up, walked over to Adelaine and rubbed against her legs.

"Hey Diamond," She greeted, picking her up.

The cat meowed and purred.

"Lee, this is my cat Diamond."

He petted the cat and she purred. He had always been more of a dog person but he knew his girlfriend loved cats so he can grow to love them for her.

"Thanks for helping me take care of her, Professor."

"You're welcome."

Adelaine and Lee left.

"So, when did you get a cat?" He asked.

Adelaine glanced at her boyfriend and answered. "I found her a few weeks ago and we nursed her back to health."

"That sounds like you, love."

Adelaine blushed.

Once they reached the castle Lee walked Adelaine to her common room and kissed her goodbye.before she crawled into the common room.

"When did you get a cat?" Cedric asked from the couch noticing the small kitten in Adelaine's arms.

She explained to both of her friends how she got the cat. Cedric fell instantly in love with the kitten while Leslie was hesitant.


Adelaine and Lee were walking to the Gryffindor common room on Halloween. They reached the portrait in the middle of some commotion.

"I wonder what happened?" Adelaine said, curiously.

Lee stood on his tip toes and saw the portrait was slashed and Neville was being scolded by McGonagall.

"What do you see?"

"The portrait is slashed and Neville is being scolded by McGonagall." Lee told her.

Adelaine nodded. Neville was still really forgetful. The whole school ended up having to sleep in the Great Hall because Sirius Black was on the loose. This didn't really make sense.

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