✨ eye opener ✨

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"Married in Vegaaaas!!"

The walking rosegold moment of two,  love lost youths kissing and showing off their wedding rings through intertwined fingers on world screen could privilege it's existence for mere blink of an eye as the unexpected powercut in the studio pulled the ebony curtains of confusion and chaos in front of all viewers.

The live viewers couldn't even comprehend when the shocking, stomach churning twist happened between two of their idols, when they came out and when and how they all got disconnected from the ongoing moment when they were least expecting.

"Guys, Live ended ?"

"T-T please tell me what I saw was just an horrible dream!"


"C'mon !!! Aren't they going to say IT WAS JUST AN AWFUL PRANK! TF?!"

"No fucking way you can end the live like this! We need answers!!"


"EXPLAIN !!!!"


"Fucking gays. Eww."

"You both are disgusting."

" Someone should stop them, they're not clear enough to be in the industry."

"Poor my eyes that had to witness their sickening flirting 🤢🤢🤢🤢"

"I actually feel bad for their fans... All that time and money just to see two abnormal members flirting with each other instead of investing their time in practicing their actual performances."

"We should've know earlier that they were about to poison the minds of fans that being gay is good and stopped them."

"Disgusting enough to make them out of business for good!"

"Jimin, being ugly and gay is the greatest sin in your life."

"Your deviated mindset disgusts me."

"Ewww.. A freaking sinner wanting to lure stupid people into being sinner with him."

"More and more abnormal people."


"Jimin is such a hoe, he snatched Jungkook from Taehyung."

"Jungkook is Taehyung's!"

"You both better not show your face in public."

"Pathetic. I feel bad for their parents, and other members who has to live with them."

"You both don't deserve BTS."

"BTS will be better without you."

"Walking diseases."

"We don't need people (GAYS) like you in korea."

"Disgrace to our country."

"Their sexual orientation is enough to make them an unsavable sinner."

"Another stain in the industry."

"You make k-pop dirty."

"Such a bad influence to young generation."

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