✨ spry inkling ✨

774 49 69

20th june

It had been 7 days since Jimin and Jungkook left their home, their studio and their hyungs behind. If it were not for Yisung and Yejin, they might have to say, they left their life, spirit, peace, and prosperity with the aspects he left behind. However whenever they looked up to the younger couple in difficult days like these, they decipher; everything does happens for a reason. If they didn't come out and leave their place behind, they could've never experienced the paradise of the common life; away from flashing camera, busy schedules, rush hours and hefty practices ,which made them bump with two most beautiful persons on earth who gradually evolved to become a part of their lives now.

Jimin and Jungkook had withstood a plenty of challenging phases of life; none of those challenges were constructed to halt them, but to prepare them stronger. None of them brought out the sour changes, but remarkable sweet transformations with unforgettable memory.

Every battle leaves a scar on survivor's body, so did it resides on Jimin's and Jungkook's souls, survivor of emotional battles, a battle for liberties, a battle for evolving into a cherished diamond to fit in the jewels of world, sometimes a voiceless battle to the own inner self and the one battle of love that they've finally couraged up to fight with world, which don't feel difficult anymore with Yisung and Yejin beside. They just wish for yet an another victory which washes away the itchiness of all the scars and reshape it into a treasure chest holding the fresh fluff of unforgettable memories.

Although, even when this noiseless battle was failing to aim and bleed Jimin's heart, his own midnight thoughts began to keep him awake all night untill his endurance starts to drain.

Yisung had started going to his university, Yejin was always engaged in his work. The days were serene, making Jimin to start noticing his husband more than he did before reciding to younger couple's house. In Jimin's eyes, other than the shifts in his habits and sentiments, Jungkook began to show differences physically as well.

For Jimin, Jungkook had turned one shade lighter in complexion but two shades darker in rosyness and atleast three shades darker pink hue coated his cheeks, nose and chin permanently.
His palms and sole which used to be pinkish to sometimes pale in appearance now turned red and plumper as if someone's been pumping in whole lot of fresh blood into them over few days of span.

The soft ebony eyelashes which used to tease Jimin by curling up and stop growing just before it could touch Jungkook's elegant doubled eyelids now swelled thicker and longer till it touch the roof of his lids and create an illusion of raven frill curtains. Those plumb butts which used to fit in perfectly between Jimin's natural menspread now requires atleast 7 more inches of extra spread to fit them in, still tighter than they ever fit before.

Distinct from any other change, a massive difference that Jimin whitnessed and nearly grew mad on Jungkook was when he thought Jungkook covered his beautiful mole under his lips with makeup. However, when he grabbed Jungkook's chin and yanked his face close, he realised Jungkook's lower lip grew plumper , making it naturally puker and sometime conceal his mole if the head is tilted bit low.

As that one change was most distinct from others , one change was the most worrying one for Jimin as well . Jungkook's temperature that always used to be slight lower than Jimin's now rose a degree or two higher , leaving Jungkook feel uneasy and heated at middle of nights. If his body rise 1 degree higher, his belly would jump 2 degrees, making Jungkook throw all his clothes alway in midnight and only be able to sleep when Jimin cools his hand by leaving it out of the blanket, then rest the cold palm over Jungkook's warm belly for the relief and repeats it until the very early hours of morning before falling into a slumber himself.

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