✨ They know ✨

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Next day Jungkook woke up with smile on his face which declined to a heartbreak as soon as he realised Luna and Deoksu were packing up to go back to Ulsan.

First, it felt like a dream reuniting with his Noona and knowing Yisung is, non other than, his Noona's son. However, later that dream shattered speculating, it's already the time to part away from this beautiful family.

Luna herself was feeling terrible leaving Jimin and Jungkook in their hard time, but she also couldn't leave her farm stay all closed for long period. Today or tomorrow, she'll have to leave Jungkook behind to not break the flow of life. So, she instructed Jungkook to stay with Yejin and Yisung till everything clears out.

Jungkook had already begun crying since the early morning even though Luna had an evening flight. On the other hand, Jimin had been tensed all day thinking constantly about how Jungkook had been exhibiting too much of emotions lately, either it's happy ,sad or angry, his sentiments are starting to gain a lot of attention around everyone.

However, pushing the overthinking in the back of mind, Jimin focused on comforting Jungkook first, "Luna Noona and Hyung are hardworking, they need to go continue their life in Ulsan, right ?" Jungkook still sobbed shaking his head making Jimin crouch to Jungkook's level and point his finger towards Yisung, "See, He's younger than you ,still he's not crying even though your Noona is his mother." Jimin said and Yisung blinkd at Jungkook while chilling, playing video games on Yejin's phone.

Luna and Deoksu were in the kitchen preparing lunch for the boys while Jimin, Yisung were together calming down Jungkook in same room when Yejin came back home from his office for the lunch time.

Yisung immediately jumped up and hopped to the kitchen to fetch him the water. Jungkook's sense then concluded to not cry anymore infront of his other hyung and immediately wiped all his tears and snort from Jimin's t-shirt.

Soon the lunch was ready. Everyone settled around the dining table as Luna decorated the hot food infront of them, making all of them's mouth water instantly. However, there again stood out a exceptionally happy boy ,who was holding himself back from not bursting out in excitement staring at the savory dishes.

Luna and Jimin were the one who noticed the boy, and before Jimin could say anything, Luna spoke laughing, "Jungkook-ah, do you like Noona's cooking ?"

And the urge Jungkook was holding in, couldn't get held back any longer when his eyes gleamed, shoulder began bouncing in tiny and a "yes!" rolled out his pink craving lips.

Luna and Yisung laughed while Jimin ruffled Jungkook's hair chuckling, and soon, "And here comes chilled Soju." Deoksu interrupted bringing two soju bottles to table with some glasses.

Yejin stood up immediately, taking bottle from his father-in-law's hand and pouring some Soju to him while making him sit on chair. Later he poured Soju to his mother-in-law's glass then Jimin's and last to his own, skipping Yisung and Jungkook.

No one noticed and started dining the food, but a pout constructed on Jungkook's lips peeking at the Soju bottle. Although, he stuffed the hot ramyeon in his mouth carelessly and began to blow out air and flapping palms in air at the burn.

As Jimin looked to his side, Jungkook had already taken Jimin's Soju glass and was about to gulp it down when a hand on his wrist stopped him. Jungkook madly looked at Yejin and Yejin didn't hesitate to snatch the Soju away from Jungkook and replace it with the glass of water.

"Drink it ." Yejin spoke nonchalantly, gaining everyone including Jimin's attention.

Deoksu saw how Jungkook was without any Soju so he spoke picking up the bottle, "Aigo, Yejin forgot to pour you Soju, let me—"

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