✨ miserable surmise ✨

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Jungkook's POV

I've been restless since I left the dining hall like that. I knew it was so childish of me but I couldn't control my act.

I couldn't control that erking feeling in my chest since I've came across with the truth. I don't know just what I'm doing right now, by running away from him, pushing him . I just won't let things go like he wants.


My stomach growled making me stop thinking and shift my attention to my stomach.

I placed my hand on my belly and rubbed it, feeling how empty it feels.

"Ugh! Stop it!" I unconsciously talked to my own stomach when it couldn't stop rumbling but only got greeted by a louder growl in response.

"I'm done!" I irritatingly said while kicking the quilt off of my body and set up straight.

I stood up and walked towards the door. Being wide awake till now making it easier for me to figure of things in dark as my eyes adjusted for the purpose.

I opened the door slowly then peeked out my head to see if hall's clear for the mission food. When the road seemed cleared, I walked out of my room, shutting the door quietly in the process.

Hallway was dimly light up which was still kind of dark but also responsible for creating weird shadows of objects around corners, walls and places where it seemed like someone's standing , making me flinch so hard.

Although, I want to conclude that the sneaky journey from my room to the kitchen ,at midnight, wasn't very much like a path of roses enlighten by candles. Not when I live with 6 hyungs, who can haunt me anytime and anywhere.

As soon as slid past the kitchen counter, I tiptoed towards the fridge while attentively peeking behind and around time to time.

"Ramyeon~ Ramyeon~" I whisper sang as I kept digging further in fridge carefully, not wanting to create any sound.

"Here it is!" I excitedly told myself and my hands already began to take the small bowl of ramen out from the fridge.

I heated it in oven and finally grabbed a pair of chopstick to devour the delicious course.

Only I know how I felt after leaving the dining room, my brain was being stubborn while my heart kept trying to pull me back to the table, but all the things which happened since the afternoon resulted in leaving my heart exausted and finally ending my brain to win over the inner war.

I lifted the big amount of ramen by the help of chopstick and stuffed inside the mouth like I've been craving it for so long, which is kind of true.

As soon as the piece of food came in contact with my tongue, the rich flavour of it started getting interlaced with my taste buds, resulting in producing the excessive and needed amount of saliva in my mouth which acted as a great help for swallowing the bolus easily and fast to stuff my mouth with more bites. 

The superbly poached and chopped chicken thighs, perfectly cooked broth and noodles ,on top of that ,the hint of selective spices and herbs with blending taste of fish sauce in addition ended up making me moan in delight.

"Mmhmm~ This is the best I've eaten since days~" I moaned with stuffed mouth and closed eyes and licked the drops of sauce which leaked from the corner of my lips as I keep taking big , clumsy bites.

As I was about to take another bite, I heard the rustling voice as if someone's walking with heavy foot and shoes on.

"Who would walk around with shoes on, at this time?" I whispered to myself and looked at the table clock placed on the kitchen table, showing 00:54.

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