✨Stuck with you✨

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A black SUV came to an halt after reaching it's destination and there comes out an impatient Jimin ,from the back seat of the car, running towards his aim ,not even caring to shut the door behind.

'I'm coming Kookie' he told himself to relax a bit and increased his pace.

As soon he reached the door, he surprisingly found the main entrance locked from outside. "Who locked him inside?!" He asked himself in annoyance as he entered the passcode hurriedly and got in.

"Now, why the fuck are these lights off?!" The annoyance got the best of him as he slid past the wall and hit the light button, on which, it just made a click sound but didn't came in action.

He tried to look through the dark, thinking what could've gone wrong with the lights. "Fuck it." He cursed hitting the buttons last time and proceeded further to look around.

Few steps further into the hall , he bumped into something which made him curse again as it created a mess with thuds of something falling.

"Oh fuck my phone." He asked himself between the continuous curses and brought his hand to slip inside his slack's pocket and took out the black device ,which seemed dead by the way it is soaked in water.

He facepalmed and took the help of the wall to sustain himself while walking to the emergency box they had in the drawer ,near the main gate.

By tapping on the box ,he recognized the metal and opened it further to find the necessity from it.

"Where is it ? Ugh." He talked to himself as his hand kept rambling the items placed in box, which emigrated the continuous sounds of metals, clashing inside it. . "Aah ,here it is!" He chimed when he get ahold of a slender plastic material.

As he took out the device, he heard a faint voice, as if someone called for hyung but pushed it on the back of the mind thinking ,the constant concerning thoughts of Jungkook must have created that illusion for him. And ignoring the voice in his head, he pushed the button of flashlight which immediately came in action, making the targeted dead dark area lit up in bright colourful life.

When he hurriedly walked towards the door ,his heart couldn't help but distract him saying, he should follow the earlier heard voice. And, as his heart was definitely dominating the situation, he turned around to run towards the kitchen first.

It didn't took him a second to finally stand in the kitchen with his flashlight gleaming on the floor he aimed at.

As he took a break for breathing a bit, he heard the faint sob from the corner, behind the counter.

He tightened his grip around the body of flashlight as his palms begin to sweat. He dragged his heavy footsteps forward , randomly aiming his flashlight everywhere possible but stopping abruptly when the flashlight gleamed upon a boy in the farthest corner, curled up in a ball, possibly crying.


"AAHHHHHHH.." Jungkook screamed in surprise when he tried to look up and met with an acute lighting, hitting right into his retina.

Listening Jungkook shout in panick, Jimin immediately rushed towards him, throwing the light away in the process. "Jungkook. Jungkook it's me! Calm down." He himself panicked, as he sat down infront of Jungkook, whose first instinct was to throw hands.

"Oww." Jimin yellped in pain as Jungkook's hand hit his jaw.

"Jungkook! It's me! " Jimin said more powerfully but got a hit on his chest in response.

Flashlight rolled on the floor, it's head aiming towards the opposite wall, making it difficult for Jimin to take ahold of Jungkook's hand as it was again much darker around the area.

Silver Rain | Jikookजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें