✨ Forehead kisses?✨

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Taemin's car came to an halt after reaching the Bangtan household and Jimin didn't took a second to hop out with smiling Taemin getting out his driver seat as well.

"Thankyou for the lift." Jimin thanked Taemin and Taemin rolled his eyes while coming Jimin's way to stand infront of him.

"Don't thank me just yet. Thank me when you announce the good news to me." Taemin sad nudging Jimin's side and Jimin laughed while nodding agreement.

"Now go. I'll keep my eyes on you from tomorrow, since I still have few days left to get to work." Taemin said making Jimin facepalm at his concern.

"Yes Sir." Jimin said formally while bowing, on which, Taemin slaped the side of Jimin's arm laughing. "Go, go now! It's late." Taemin instructed as he pushed Jimin slightly towards the house and finally they bid their goodbyes, making Jimin to go inside and Taemin to drive away from there.

Jimin was, first time, so much determined, happy and excited to walk in to the house. The adrenaline running in his veins felt so desiring to Jimin as he rushed his steps towards Jungkook's room.

As he was about to knock on the door, he paused to see the time on his phone, which showed half past 1 with 4 missed calls from Jungkook which made him frawn and slowly turn the knob of Jungkook's room's door without knocking, as it was very late of night and he didn't wanted Jungkook to get disturbed if he's sleeping.

Silently pushing the door half open, Jimin's eyes firstly searched for Jungkook on bed ,but finding it empty, Jimin pushed the door whole open, only to be met with the most adorable scene his heart would've ever asked for.

Jungkook was all curled up in a mini ball on a lounge chair, which seemed bigger than usual as Jungkook almost got lost in the arms of soft fluffy furniture .

Jimin smiled to himself and tiptoed to Jungkook, shutting the door behind silently.

As Jimin stopped infront of tiny Jungkook, he gave his whole attention to observe those beautiful , soft features of his beautiful sleeping angelz which first made his heart flutter with adoration but later his heart pained seeing the red marks on Jungkook's face, which he recognized in second.

The curled up Jungkook had his arms burried in his own chest with knees condensed upto his stomach as the temperature of room wasn't comfortably warm enough to provide warmth to poorly insulated boy.

Seeing that, first thing first, Jimin brought his palms near to touch Jungkook's arm to see if the boy was deep enough in his sleep. Getting no response from Jungkook, Jimin smiled and slid his right arm under Jungkook's thighs and left under his shivering shoulder and by counting one , two ,three in whisper, Jimin used his strength to transfer to his arms and lift Jungkook's body up in bridal style, which felt light as feather to Jimin as Jungkook got a lot thinner in past few days.

As Jimin followed his silent careful steps towards the bed with Jungkook in his arms, his gaze fall down to Jungkook's face, which stayed a few inches away from Jimin's, sticking to Jimin's chest, as Jungkook found the warmth on that area which his shivering body was craving.

Jimin stood still a step away from Jungkook's bed. Jungkook shifted to stick more to Jimin's chest as the warmth was so welcoming to deny any longer. However, even Jimin would love to let Jungkook be in his embrace forever, he still wanted Jungkook to be in more comfortable place ; his fluffy bed.

Jimin walked that last step , nullifying the distance between them and bed and carefully let Jungkook be layed on bed ,on which, Jungkook released an unsatisfied breath , making Jimin to place his palm on his own mouth to stop any giggle to slip out.

Jungkook was still in his bathrobe, on which Jimin smiled thinking how sleepy Jungkook would've been that he didn't even change into his night wear.

Before Jimin would go to find any clothe for Jungkook to wear, he turned the AC off, so Jungkook wouldn't get cold in meantime.

After finding comfy clothes for Jungkook, Jimin came back and unclothed Jungkook from his bathrobe while looking at the different direction.

He knew he loved Jungkook which made everything about Jungkook so enchanting and appealing for him, so he knew he'd also get desire for Jungkook's body which he wanted to avoid at all. He would never take Jungkook's sleeping state as an advantage to let his eyes wander anywhere on Jungkook's defenceless and oblivious self. So without any delay, Jimin dressed Jungkook and brought a warm blanket to tug Jungkook in it.

"Rest ,my angel. From now on, your hyung will always be at your side." Jimin whispered sweetly ,shifting Jungkook's hairs from his forehead.

Jungkook's face still had a tight frown which Jimin noticed more clearly when he set beside Jungkook on his bed.

"Why my baby frowning?" Jimin asked as he almost cooed at Jungkook's pouty lips .

While shaking his head smiling, Jimin brought his thumb and pressed gently on Jungkook's puckered up lips . He then carefully caressed that same thumb from the middle of Jungkook's lip to the right corner, redoing same uptil the left corner of lip which magically made Jungkook's pout to get replaced with a light smile.

Jimin also smiled satisfied then brought his gaze up to look at the frowning which still waited to be vanished magically.

Smiling and caressing Jungkook's head, Jimin first admired Jungkook, thanking God for sending this beautiful creation of them to be a part of his life and in next second , Jimin found himself bending down low till Jungkook's forehead ,leaving his lips an inch away to be met with Jungkook's tension to suck 'em away from his forehead and before Jungkook would frown more, soft plump flesh of Jimin's cloud lips touched the smooth ,milky sky of Jungkook's forehead with so much of love and respect lingering on them.

Jimin let his lip rest on, just middle of Jungkook's brows and kissed so tenderly, with so much of gentleness that looked like Jungkook was a fragile beauty and Jimin was afraid to break it.

Jimin smiled in kiss and detached his lips from Jungkook's forehead ,which still had little frown left on them . And before Jimin could even sit straight, a soft whine escaped Jungkook's parted lips , making Jimin smile and peck Jungkook's forehead again.

Jimin couldn't control his giggle when Jungkook whined in sleep again, which made Jimin realize... Jungkook wanted more forehead kisses.

By shaking his head last time, Jimin shifted in better position and bent down. He let both of his warm palms hold either sides of Jungkook's red cheeks and by adoring Jungkook's face last time , he brought his lips back to kiss that forehead till those countless times where all of Jungkook's whining, all his tensions leave his forehead alone with nothing but serenity on them.

Jimin stayed with Jungkook till 5 AM that night and only left Jungkook alone when he thought the boy  would wake up any time.

By kissing Jungkook's forehead thousandth time that day, Jimin finally got up and walked out of his room silently.


"So finally you got time to get out."


A/N) Sorry about this short update. Plus, Y'all might see many mistakes. Sorry for that, I barely found time to write today, as , First, my cousin was here. Second, renovation going on ,in my house. Last, I went out with my friends today. I just got back an hour ago and wrote this 🤧

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