How the ring came to be

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(I will make the intro all original so it will take some time to get to the actual show so sit back and enjoy)

In the far off future there was a genius scientist that had only one goal in mind and to do that he new that what he needed was the power to accomplish his goal so he set out and researched the many different ways he could make that come to be and the final conclusion that the best way to do that would be to have the power of the Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum.

Like the different lantern corps have access to but he knew he did not fit well into any of the lantern corps because what he desired was nothing but pure unfiltered power all at his beck and call and the easiest way to do that would be to gather all the rings that he could and forge a new one that was not just tapped into one of the powers but all of them.

With no rules or restrictions that the others have so with his master plan in mind all he needed was a time machine so that he could gather all of the rings that he would need without having the corps chase him down and try and get their rings and power batteries back, so he went and first looked into the achieves of the lantern corps. 

To try and find out when times where they were at there weakest are when he could get them with out them knowing  or finding out that he took them so after a few years of creating both his entire time line for his very own heist and researching and experimenting to create a time machine that was wearable and was stealthy were no one would find out he came from another time.

He then put his plan into action and when the lantern corps where too busy with something to protect there power rings and batteries he would take them when they were at the most powerful and he also took some when the blackest night came about to take the last two he would need to complete his objective to become the king he always knew he was destined to become and once he got them he left to go back into his own time and then he began to forge his device for ultimate power.

He then put his plan into action and when the lantern corps where too busy with something to protect there power rings and batteries he would take them when they were at the most powerful and he also took some when the blackest night came about to...

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And after he had made the base, he then put them into a machine that would fuse all of them together and when he finally got the device that bring about a new era for him and for everyone in this universe and he could not help but just admire his ...

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And after he had made the base, he then put them into a machine that would fuse all of them together and when he finally got the device that bring about a new era for him and for everyone in this universe and he could not help but just admire his own genius and marvel at what he had made.

And after he had made the base, he then put them into a machine that would fuse all of them together and when he finally got the device that bring about a new era for him and for everyone in this universe and he could not help but just admire his ...

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(That but with gems that are of the other lantern rings but with them as gems with their symbols still there.)

But there was still one thing he was missing and that was his own power battery which he then spent another few years because he only had one of each and he did not want to even think about failing and what would happen if he were to fail so he spent his time very carefully.

And only using things he did not care about to make the various prototypes and when he was done, he finally made his own power battery for his power bracelet and when he was done he could not be anything less than ecstatic and when he put it on it did what he hopped it would which was to make it impossible.

To take off unless the user was dead which he was not planning on doing any time soon but when he then tried to use it he ran into one more problem before he could do what he felt he was destined to do, which was he could not get it to work not matter what he did any and all of the chants of the other lantern rings. Did not work which led him to believe that he now had his own power that he also had to make his own chant so that his power could work which took him years and years to create because there was no way for him to know what would work until he himself preformed the chant. And then he finally got the right chant to work which let him know what power from the emotional spectrum his ring was.

"Everything under the skies and above the cosmos shall bend to my might for there is only one that commands all for all is mine and for anyone who goes against my will beware my power for Gold lanterns might."

And thanks to that he had knew what his ring derived power from his own narcissism the more he believed in him self and what his power let him do, after that he found out what his weakness with it was and how dangerous it was.

His self-doubt and what that means is that if there is even a miniscule it was turned off all of the power that he had but with that in mind all he had to do was never think of himself as weak and when he finally got everything the way he wanted it to be like he traveled back into time once again. 

But this time to the medieval era where he would then begin his reign as the most supreme power in the world because the easiest target to start it off on was earth where he had more power in his pinkie finger than any one nation but with a strange twist from what he thought his fate was the second he turned his power off a random arrow hit and killed him and all that was left to his name was his power that none could use for a long period of time until the time is was needed.

Well hope you all enjoy this, and I would like you all to let me know if this something grand or not and with that stay safe and peace.

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