Gold Belt

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Fortis: "Fight me (Bring it hand motion)."

Marcel then charges at Fortis failing to land a single punch as the man pivots and dodges his young pupil and to make matters even worse was the fact that as his student was charging at him Fortis was reading a book the entire time not once looking up during the entire fight.

During the entire fight Marcel wondered why the old man was doing this as there was nothing for him to learn nor was there anything for Fortis to learn either as he already knew how well of a fighter Marcel was and all his weak points as well.

Marcel: "Sir (pants) why do I have to do this when we both already know what I'm capable of!"

Fortis: "(Closes book) What better form of learning than actually doing."

Marcel: "What?"

Fortis: "Fight me till you can land a hit on me."

Marcel: "(Grins) Gladly!"

Marcel then charges at Fortis once again but only after he started placing many objects around the area with Marcel seeing a pencil, pipe, bat, book, chair, table, etc. so that Fortis could see if he would use any to hit him and if so which would it be and how he'd use them.

At first Marcel just charges at Fortis and like before nothing really happens as he moves around the area like the wind until eventually Marcel grabs a knife he had left on the table along side a pipe on the floor and charges at Fortis with all his might.

With his left hand Marcel strikes at Fortis from the side and as Fortis moves away Marcel does a little spin as he tried stabbing Fortis in the stomach some what surprising Fortis a bit at how familiar he seemed to be with stabbing people and fighting just in general with objects.

Having jumped a bit a tiny bit away from his student so as to not get stabbed by the knife not because it would hurt but because that wouldn't be good for his training nor would it help him in the long run if he himself couldn't figure out his limits and what he was good at using and which ones he should never touch again because it's pretty much pointless.

Seeing as how his attacks failed Marcel dropped the pipe and knife and picked up the book and bat to try a different approach at hitting and hopefully finally beating his mentor in something for once but that too fell short as Fortis was amazing and had loads more experience than Marcel could even dream of.

As Marcel tried to bash Fortis's ribs, hands, legs, whatever was in swinging range he also used the book pretty much like Batmans batarang but instead of them going back Marcel had to pick it right back up after every throw costing him lots of time and making it easier to beat him like no tomorrow as he was wide open during those moments.

Getting tired of Marcels repetitive attacks and throws Fortis proceeds to kick him fast and hard in both hands before Marcel could even see what happened and while he was distracted by what he was no longer holding he got kicked in the gut by Fortis bringing him down.

Marcel: "(Crouching in pain as he slowly passes out) You cheated!"

Fortis: "(Takes hands out of his pocket) I never said I wouldn't hit you back (holds Marcel up) now lets help you get some rest."

Ten minutes later Marcel had woken up like he was a Marine soldier still fighting with him even trying to attack Fortis but failed miserably and spectacular as Fortis without even looking back grabbed Marcels hand and twisted it in a way that made it impossible for him to do anything without feeling like his arm was breaking.

Fortis: "(Writing something with pen) Were not fighting right now."

Marcel: "Ow oW OW okay I get it can you let go of me know (gets released) okay so what are you doing now?"

Fortis: "(Puts down pen) I'm reviewing everything I learned from how you fight so I can get a better understanding on your strengths and weaknesses in combat (gets up and walks towards the doors) now get up I got you for an entire week (dramatically opens doors revealing a giant warehouse area with a table in the center having lots of guns on top of it.) And were gonna figure out every little thing that makes you better than everyone and else and what it needs to be better while also finding out what you should stop doing so you can get better at what your already good at."

Marcel: "What?"

Fortis: "Yes, yes its amazing and you wonder how we got here but that's not important (cocks gun and throws it at Marcel) now put down my pen that you tried to sneak away and start shooting some targets in many different ways."

Marcel: "And what's the point in me doing this?"

Fortis: "Your aim, skill, talent, and creativity when it comes to guns cause what you did before was just a little warm up cause we got a lot of different ways of fighting to cover so that even if you were to give up the power you'll gain once this is all done you'll still be able to fight and survive (walks next to table) now shoot like there's no tomorrow in whatever way fells best."

Marcel: "Isn't there a standard way of shooting I need to do thought?"

Fortis without saying anything cocks another gun and fires at a target in every single way someone would from cop style, thug style, civilian style, and just any way to show that in the end it didn't really matter as he hit everything dead center once you got used to the style and understood how it changes the firing of the guns.

Fortis: "(Unloads and uncocks gun as he places it on the table) So you see there's no real one way of handling anything or fighting for that matter the only thing that really matters is what comes natural to you and what you need to do to get better at it."

Marcel: "(Sighs) Whatever man (shoots the gun holding it with both hands at any and all targets missing almost all of them in the process which he blames Fortis for.)"

Fortis: "You're lack of aiming is not my fault."

Marcel: "Yes it is cause of what you did to my arm!"

Fortis: "What I did was basically me pinching a nerve making it feel like I was hurting your arm when instead I helped the blood circulation in it instead."

Marcel: "What?"

Fortis: "I helped you in a way and you just suck at shooting while I don't cause I'm amazing and you need help to get better."

Marcel: "Oh like you didn't get any help."

Fortis: "I have gotten help from many people in my life none of them involved shooting a gun though cause that's just good ol American might. Now shut up and start shooting with this SMG next."

And like that for an entire week Marcel was basically in bootcamp hell as Fortis rarely if ever let him rest and whenever he did it was because he either passed out or was close in doing so. As for the training regime it was him doing normal body training which he did before breakfast and until he finished his workout then he'd get no food but after an instance of him getting lazy and cocky it got changed to he'd have to finish by a set time or no food and would instead have to eat a medicine ball that filled him up but had nothing and smelled completely awful.

But it was all worth it since Fortis now understood what was best for Marcel in terms of training and what he was good at using and which he sucked at with it surprisingly being him being good at dirty fighting where he'd use anything near him in a fight while actual martial arts he failed at and hard.

Even if he had no talent though Fortis still forced him to learn at least the basics on how to fight making it harder for others to hit him while also making him be able to hit harder and faster than before along side telling him which guns he should use if he needed to and which he should never touch.

With Shotguns, Rifles, and guns that fired many rounds all at once at his opponents were his strong suit while any guns that required any real skill on how to use them and it was pretty much like giving a caveman a gun with the safety on and trying to see how long he'd last till he can fire it.

Finally ending the training camp that most likely gave Marcel some mental scars Fortis then let Marcel finally get some rest and once he woke up he was inside his bed like nothing had happened with no one even noticing he was gone or that anything had happened to him at all.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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