The Message

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Its time for a not so little road trip as Marcel along with Fortis? Because of the fact a message from someone in his past that had told him to come all the way back to Gotham City the one place on earth that Marcel would have rather not come back to for at least a little while like say 5 years give or take a couple more... depends on how he feels or what happens.

But until that time happens the man is forced to drive there since teleporting all the way over there is not something he wants to do and for once Fortis? agrees since it had been awhile since he saw the scenery from where Mount Justice used to be all the way to Gotham City.

To make matters worse all that's been playing on the radio since the start of the trip which had started two weeks ago when he finally left Speed Valley and entered the port side town that used to house the old Team, was nothing but a royal prince missing and how he seemed to be cursed with rock manipulation abelites and other such nonsense.

Like why does America even care about the politics of a foreign nation anyway? especially one where he looked up at in one of the areas he stopped at cause their at any car comfortable enough to where Marcel would be willing to sleep in for possibly two or more months of his supposedly immortal life.

Even though the car Marcel drives is a very nice one where he's caught many people coming up and taking pictures of and it's not hard to see why since it's one of Wayne Tech and Lex Corp tech fusion car's where the only thing that the car can't do is fly, at least according to their ads anyway.

Its an amazing car especially once his friends got rid of any and everything that might be a tracker, spy gadget, or pretty much anything that might show were the car was or what was happening inside of it since in all intense and purposes the is listed as stolen....

So like long story short Marcel along with a couple friends completely drunk as a graduation present/ last thing that they'd all do together was steal the car from one of the annoying rich kids at school and sell the thing for parts.

But after a few two many more drinks, and a boat load more mistakes Marcel would wake up at his new home with the car somehow having everything needed to clam it as his and its not something the bracelet made since the thing had a playlist that somehow kept regenerating and repeating that took him the only months of peace he had to get rid of it along with some modifications that made it more cool to him.

Which for him was maxing out every thing he could while also adding some spy like options so that just in case things go down too bad he could get in and make his speedy getaway in his own style along with green flames that he chose because of something he read online and liked.

-12:30 PM ??? City-

Marcel: "(Pulls the car over and gets out as he shuts the car door as he takes out his phone and looks for where he is) Okay so.... where the heck are we?"

Fortis?: "(Floating around) I don't really know... the place seems familiar but (waves his hand) I don't remember ever going through or to and area that had so much fog before in my life to the point it looked like smoke."

Marcel: "Maybe a rapper lives here?"

Fortis?: "What's a rapper?"

Marcel: "(Looks at him just stunned) You don't know rap?"

Fortis?: "No idea what that is but (flips around for awhile as he makes a jukebox that's floats around and goes through things like him) I do know many great songs... but I'll be honest my love of Jazz does take up most of my songs list but their still great."

Mere seconds after saying that Fortis? starts playing songs from his jukebox playlist thing while Marcel has to push the car towards what looks to be a gas station not because the things out of gas but because of the fog making it hard to absorb any energy which killed it instead.

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