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How do you think you'd react if you were to wake up at a place that you had no idea about? A place where no matter how long you walked nor where you went every little thing remained the same as you looked around only to realize that you were the only odd one out?

Well for Marcel there wasn't really anything knew for him whenever it came to waking up in brand new and different areas since he's pretty much been forced to get used to it because of League work and also because of Dick and (mainly) Fortis's? plans or curiosity.

Either way this was the first time that he's ever been inside a place that looks like the freaking 4D art as nothing seemed to make any freaking sense as their was a waterfall that had the water going up! And the only reason Marcel knew this was because some fish were trying to swim down stream towards a hole that he didn't really feel comfortable looking at for to long or else he'd get one hell of a migraine.

It didn't really help how weird the place was by the fact that anytime he walked in, up, down, left, or right he'd pretty much always come back to the exact same spot eventually which was the only place that looked like people could have once called it home.

Looking around the place it honestly seemed more like a prison than anything as their was only a bed, a table without any chairs, and a mirror frame that was hanging upside down and that when ever Marcel looked at it he was upside down as well...

Marcel: "(Flops on the bed) What the heck is going on?"

Staring at what would be the ceiling if their was one Marcel wondered just how the heck he had gotten here and more importantly where the heck was Fortis!?

As Marcel waves around his bracelet of power trying to only hurt it and not himself or at least hopefully annoy who ever was inside it as much as he could because if marcel was remembering right Fortis? had stated that their was at least one more previous Gold Lantern inside.

Honestly though who the heck really cares about the first guy if they were to get killed before they could even do anything with the bracelet and ended up as what Fortis? described pretty much a walking glitch who seemed to be missing pretty much everything and nothing at any given point in time.

Getting up by way of jumping up Marcel wonders what would happen if he touched the mirror since he's yet to do anything to the room as it was the only place that he thought of as safe and normal since he'd always return to it anytime he tried to wander to far.

Reaching out Marcel manages to touch the mirror and for some reason instead of the cool touch of class that he was accustomed to feeling, touching this bit of glass felt more like his was touching a really large chewed up piece of sticky gum as it refused to let him go.

Marcel: "(Huffs and puffs) In for a penny in for a pound."

Rushing towards the mirror Marcel manages to run far enough into the mirror that he manages to break the strands that were holding him and honestly... it would probably been better if he had stayed in there since outside the mirror was his house but completely and utterly destroyed by something.

Looking around Marcel drags his hand across his kitchen countertop area, picking up so much dust to the point where he stops his hand had changed colors and their was now a tumble weed sized ball of dust on his countertop just slowly falling back down into a giant pile of dust.

Marcel: "(Tries to clean his hands by rubbing them against each other only to somehow make even more dust) Just what the heck is going on here (gives up and starts wiping them on his pants)?"

Walking outside Marcel saw the exact same scene as he did in his time wavy breakdown with Dick but this time everything seemed a lot more vivid and loose at the same time like he looking at something that he knew was real but at the same time couldn't believe it to be true.

Gold lanternOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant