Chill day

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After telling the League what you saw you went back to Mount Justice as you did nothing but kick back and relax and as you sat down you saw Super Boy and Miss Martian talking to each other and having nothing better to do you walk over and talk with them as well.

What you all mostly talked about was the outside world and what it was like well it was mainly Miss Martian who talked on and on about it while you and Super Boy sat there and listened trying you're best to answer all her questions.

You all only stop talking once you and Super Boy let her know that something is burning and as you both walk over to the kitchen you both see Miss Martian trying her best to salvage the burnt char food shaped objects she had made and not wanting to hurt her feelings you and Super Boy both ate all of them with only you still standing conscious in the end.

Super Boy: "Ughh I'm kryptonian and look what it did to me so how are you alright."

Gold Lantern: "Practice I've eaten a lot weirder stuff to the point my taste buds are practically dead."

Miss Martian: "(Floating towards both of you.) Who wants seconds!?"

You then begin using slight of hand to eat everything so Super Boy doesn't have to while also making sure that neither of you hurt Miss Martians pride more than it probably already was and after the 5th batch even you were nearing you're limit on how much you could eat before feeling funky.

Thanks to the help of Super Boy you managed to get rid of all the dark matter that Miss Martian had made without her catching on and the second you finished was when she turned back and saw you eating the last piece that was still left happily and as she skipped away happily both you and Super Boy slouched down and sighed hard.

Gold Lantern: "Man was that hard. How much did she make?"

Super Boy: "Tell me about it."

You both then fist bump each other showing that you were both comrades in arms, friends, and Rivals like the rest of Young Justice as you were the only being they had faced or will ever face that beat them so one sidedly like you had.

Since the day you arrived and stayed here you became one of the many teachers for Young Justice but unlike the others you taught by failure since it was the main thing that made you strive to be better.

Once you're little bromance with Super boy was over you both had a light spar that had almost destroyed the entirety of Mount Justice and once you mopped the floor with Super Boy Miss Martian joined in to which you also mopped the floor with but gentler as she was not a kryptonian and because you didn't want to accidentally mess up her face.

Gold Lantern: "(You lower some water bottles to both of them.) So how was it learn anything."

Super boy: "That even after fighting you with everything I had I couldn't even get a single drop of sweat from you."

Gold Lantern: "And what about you."

Miss Martian: "To expect the unexpected."

Gold Lantern: "And why is that."

Miss Martian: "Because by the time I hear what you are about to do you already did it."

Gold Lantern: "Good well (You help them up and set them on the couch.) good luck healing."

You then left to continue wandering around the base and you only stopped once you saw the souvenir room and as you looked around you saw things that meant absolutely nothing to you but they could mean the world to the team so wanting to do you're part you take out the Cobra mask you stole and put on the shelf.

Once you finished you left Mount Justice all the way towards Gotham City were the only person you truly admired that wasn't a long time friend of yours Batman and the second you got there you were already getting mugged by a woman wearing red and black with blond hair and a bunch of goons that all looked like circus rejects.

Joker Goon 1: "Listen give us everything you have on ya and no one gets hurt."

Gold Lantern: "Listen here circus clown I get that you all got fired because you all look like you touch children instead of scaring or making them laugh but (You then create a giant golden mallet.) I find you all annoying so leave."

Harley Queen: "Well Well Well looks like we got another wanna be hero how's about I show you why the whole town is scared of Mista J."

But before the girl could do anything you casually went up to her and kissed her like how a cartoon kisses someone and as you left you gave her a bag valuable minerals all without saying a single word to her and the last thing you heard as you left was a thud.

You then made a quick stop at a dinner and ate you're fill on good old food that you vaguely remember eating as you grew up and the after you left all you did was purchase some magazines and a wide variety of maps all across the world and some cook books.

And as you were walking home you spotted a store that sold a wide variety of snacks and candy and once you saw that you're inner child awakened and you bought every single snack the store had to offer and once you got back to Mount Justice you gave Super boy and Miss Martian some snacks and magazines to look at while they both had to hide inside.

Gold Lantern: "So what you two while I was away and how you both like you're gifts."

They both started talking about a lot of different things trying to get you to forget you're first question but you already knew everything because before left you made sure you could keep an eye on them thanks to a spy cam you placed.

And that is all for now and if any of you have and suggestions for girls let me know but until then stay safe and peace.

Gold lanternOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora