Level 2: Hope

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When you had left your area of meditation you saw that everything had changed, and you could not understand why since it should have been at most a month since you went inside of yourself to fight the giant yellow beast with in.

But after a while of searching and exploring the area you had found out that a new area had been formed by the people of the upper area of the planet but that was only a guess since you had no idea how many beings lived underground or how long you were truly deep within your mediation.

When you went inside the area you had seen a bunch of different people make this place at least livable since it was still an area that was made to punish and destroy them no matter where you went and what you did you looked around and asked around a few questions about the place and anything else that you could that might be useful at any given moment in time.

After a bit of looking around you then went over to find a place that you could earn this world currency since you had long since lost the ability to make anything that you wanted so you were now forced to also find ways to get cash and other necessities to survive.

After looking around you found an area that looked just like a tavern that adventures would go to for quests and other such things and when you entered it was just like that except worse since it was normal to kill others and get what they had on them since it was still a planet of death for all you lived here.

Once you got finished getting signed up you were then given a rock tablet that was given to any and all people who were fighters for the town and you could also get rewards depending on the amount of people that you take down and the higher the rank the better as well.

When you got your tag, you then took a map that they had and all the missions that you could then left the area to make some money and to also get better trained with your body since it had been a long time since you had used both your power and fought like a real warrior instead of a survivor.

When you gotten to the first area you used nothing but your own abilities that you got through surviving and everything you had learned before and melded them into one fighting style you got thrashed around and lost some parts of yourself but that did not matter because you could still regenerate no matter what happened so you stuck through all the pain and drove through to make a more powerful art of fighting than anyone has ever seen before.

When you finally got done you had lost most of your body, but it was returning back to normal, but it would take a bit and while that happened you tried to use the power of the yellow gem, but blue started to shine bright instead which you were not a fan of fighting something that big and annoying again.

When it was all said and done you looked like a knight with blue armor and a strange symbol on your chest which you were not a fan of, but you started to feel less cynical about everything that had happened to you because of coming to this planet and everything that you had endured and started to feel in its place a calm, cool and relaxing feeling instead that made you feel better and started to see everything in a brand new color one that was bright and cheerful.

When you got rid of the blue suit of armor you then saw a different creature one that was blue and looked like a bird and unlike the other creature it was instead very friendly to you and made you actually feel hope that you would get better and that everyone in the area would also get better even if this was a prison planet.

When you got done becoming whole again you then petted the blue bird and started to feel stronger and because of you now having a new gem power light up you could now make anything you desired but blue instead of yellow so when you then decided to start practicing using the powers of gems in your bracelet to see how well they work when not at full power.

When you started to work with them you first tried to use them both at the same time, but you would always end up either breaking them both down or you would stop using one and start using the other but even with that limit to your own power you still worked hard at learning their abilities and how they worked.

When you finished with all your mission you had found that that the power from the yellow gem got a whole lot weaker when near the power from the blue gems power while the blue gems seemed fine with nothing wrong with it at all, but you did find that when using them you got stronger with the yellow the more you destroyed and the more afraid of you, they were.

While when using the blue power, you felt like you were getting treated from a coercion from using the yellow power as you felt better and better so you made a mental note about what using both would do to you and how they worked before you then turned in everything you were supposed to and getting paid.

When walking around the area you saw that not everyone was doing okay so you used all the money you had gotten and started taking care of everyone else and buying the whole area which you could tell was the power district from the way the people acted and were treated as well as the buildings.

You don't know why you did not think of doing this before, but you were going to do it now and take care of everyone that you could and hopefully make the area better as you saw what everyone was also hoping for.

And that is all for now if any of you could guess what the rest of the sequence of lantern powers are going to go that would be amazing like how moonwolf30 did for this one also if any of you have music that you think would fit them let me now the music and what emotion it is and until next time stay safe and peace.

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