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There just exist Chaos all over the outsiders headquarters as everyone still doesn't seem to know how to act, trust, or anything based on the reveal of the covert op that was going down right under all their noses as they all did who knows what for who knows how long.

Their is clear evidence of lines being drawn by everyone based upon who they believed to be right along with who they thought was in the wrong of the entire thing with those closest being the ones who were hurt the most especially this Wally kid as he for some reason seemed the most pissed as he held a little girl in his arms.

Wally: "(Quit yelling as he rocks the baby in his arms) I thought I almost lost you once! Heck if Fortis didn't help with the twister thing then I might not even be here! And yet I find out not from you, Dick, or even Kaldur but from Conner telling me what you've been up to!(Stars walking circles around Artemis as he follows her) Do you have any idea how worried I was! And what about this being a one time thing as well! All this time you've been telling me you were going off to study where you actually going around as Tigress!"

Before anyone could hear what she had to say the two left as Wally gave his daughter to Marcel who was sitting down on the couch wondering what the heck he was even doing there as Hector sat across watching it all go down eating his first bag of chips in probably ever from the way he looked.

Everything changed however once Forager answered the intercom and it was then revealed that Vandal Savage was in the building and wanted to come up... and of course Hector seemed to have PTSD flash backs when hearing his name along with seeing his face while also getting bloodshot eyes like he was about to turn into a raging bull as the red gem started glowing very brightly.

Since they didn't know what he wanted the outsiders along with the team all decided that it would probably be in their best interest to move Hector out of the way so he doesn't mess up whatever he came there for. Along with moving the baby, Marcel was holding as well since Wally would and Artemis would probably lose their minds if they found out Vandal meet or even saw their child.

Both men were then forced to leave the room as Marcel was now forced to take care of two babies and help them calm down since Wally and Artemis's kid seemed to want their parents while Hector was now throwing a tantrum for not being able to exact his revenge on Vandal.

Marcel and Hector were only allowed out once Wally came into the room still looking greatly annoyed and angry but seeming to be a bit more chill about everything as he grabbed his daughter and probably headed back to his house after rubbing Marcels head for a bit and thanking him for watching his little angel for a bit.

It took everything in Marcels power to make sure that Hector didn't go on after Vandal savage for any reason as it probably wasn't the best thing for either of them to fight especially at the moment when everything is dicey at best with Halo being kidnapped and everything with him apparently being the one to tell them were she was at.

However it did not seem to help that Vandal probably knew Hector was there as he seemed to look up where they were both hiding and smiled as Hector was then forced to be restrained once again so he doesn't do anything stupid like getting himself arrested for fighting someone that the whole world thinks is a normal innocent man.

The team would then start getting ready to bring the fight to Granny and Darkside as they prepare to raid the outpost Darkside had told them about in advance as they have one last chat before going while Marcel decided to stay behind for various reasons. One of which being a crack that his team had found and the other was that he still needed to look after his sister and niece just in case something happened.

Marcel: "Honestly I would love to join you guys and really teach Granny a lesson or two... but I can't just leave earth any time soon so you'll all have to go without me (as he says that his team appears through the doorway) but thankfully their all willing to get revenge for me."

His team has been waiting for a chance to get back at Granny for not only taking their leader but also because of the torture that she had inflicted upon him was something that was worth the death penalty in their eyes at least five times over.

As Marcel's team joined up Hector also went through the boom tube with everyone else but not to help save Halo (since they never meet before hand) but instead because he wanted to mess with the people that were friendly with Vandal in anyway he could.

Marcel sees everyone off as he gives his team some rings that Fortis had help make before they all leave as Marcel goes on to investigate the crack but not before he makes sure that nobody was trying to harm his family!

Which meant that he had to pay a little visit to a little hole in the wall to see a man that should not be named, just for a little check up now and again to make sure that he one still feels fear at looking at him and the other is so that he was being punished well after his sentence was made.

Of course the little hole in the wall was the man trying to break out but got forced back into prison thanks to the help from Gold Lantern as he threw the man right back into his prison... but not into his jail cell but instead that of the man who the trash who should never be named feared almost as equal to his ex-brother-in-law.

This has happened more than once in the short amount of time he had been incarcerated and through all that Gold Lanterns name had started to grow larger along with the man trying to break out more and more as every time he failed it would just make life for the prisoners harder meaning his life got even harder than before.

After this little side quest was finished Marcel went onwards towards the crack in the wall as he looked around it with no one around seeming to notice or rather care about an inter-dimensional crack in the very fabric of reality was in the alleyway behind a Chinese takeout place and a Lex Crop building.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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