Level 7: Compassion

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(I could not think of anything, and I like the song)

After calming down for a bit you once again saw all the other constructs made by the gems come back but this time with a purple squid like thing as well and after seeing that you saw purple light up before the things then latched on to your face and after trying to fight it off for a bit you then passed out.

When you finally woke up all the other constructs were now flying around and looking at you with the more powerful ones now in a weaker state and after wondering for a bit you then realized you no longer hurt, and you felt fine like how you did all those years ago before coming to this planet.

You then felt the chills of everything you had done and then started to puke letting everything go that was still inside you and everything else that you could as you continued to hurl for what felt like an entire day since you had started before finally being able to stop with the only thing left was the leftovers on you and the feelings that had come with them.

And when you had finally calmed down you then went with revenge but this time different then how you started because even though the purple squid had saved you from most likely becoming one of the many monsters that called this place home you still desired revenge but not just for your family but for everyone that had suffered because of this planet.

So, after stopping to think for a bit you began to write down everything you knew about this planet and what you could guess from what you found, but when you finished you did not like the answer that you got as the only thing you could conclude was that this whole place was an area for prisoners that no one wanted to deal with.

It made you sick to think of it as not even the children that came from them were spared from the cruelty of this place as you could only guess that they deemed the entire bloodline rotten and not wanted for anyone or anything.

And if you had not thrown up for what felt like an entire day you might have done so again as this entire place was rotten to the core and it need to be fixed some way or another as there were innocent people stuck on this place with those who weren't just because they came from blood that did terrible things.

Making sure you left no trace that you were here or what you had planned or made you then left the place as it was being destroyed with your powers and the summoned beast help before then meeting up with the people in charge of taking care of the ex-council members while also saving as many people as they could.

After a heated discussion on what everyone felt like what was the best way to carry out the plan you all then finally agreed on a five-man formation with four teams coming at them from all directions while you were to move in as a single man team since they all knew what you could do and trusted your actions.

You all then had one last celebration as most if not all of them were expecting to meet their ends if all things went according to plan and they wanted to have fun and have something to remember before the final battle.

As the party went on you then talked with the leaders of each platoon asking them what their strategy was and how they came up with it trying to get better at coming up with plans yourself since it you felt like it would be useful especially right now.

And after telling you all they could about their own plans and how they made them while also discussing on what to do in certain situations before they all got too drunk to continue talking to before then joining the party as you just stood there and watched while then stating "Act 1 is in motion" before then also heading to bed.

When you all woke up the next day it was almost time to get ready for what felt like the final battle except that almost everyone was too drunk or had other problems because of the party before they could all work at their finest while others wanted to practice a bit more just in case.

As you watched what everyone else was doing you then left to do a bit of training on your own to see what you could do with your abilities while also trying to get better control with them as well while you still had a bit of time to train without having to worry about others.

While you also took time to actually use the techniques you learned from others, yourself, and what you had come up with after trying to make all of them into one powerful force before then stopping and heading back before the final battle started.

When you got there, you were a bit surprised and embarrassed that your training took an entire day without you realizing before you all then got serious and then begun to march onwards to the main city were the ex-council members that still lived were staying and control everything.

When you all got into positions you then told them to move out as you then landed in the middle of the area before seeing explosions at all four directions while you freed the people you had meet along the way while also taking care of those that thought of themselves better than others.

And each time you got to the areas you saw that they were in a bit of trouble before you then have them a helping hand by either destroying a bit of their numbers, their big robots, or from freeing others that decided to help as well.

And when it was all said and done you and the rest of the army then begun to march forward to the last place they had left to hide in and when you got to the door you were all then attacked by some unknown men that then said they were the overseers.

And that is all for now I know how much everyone hates cliffhangers but just wait till next time until then have fun and peace.

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