Level 3: Love

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As the years progress you eventually saw that another of your gems had begun to shine this time the pink one and even without knowing what it was doing you already knew how it had worked because of the constant love you felt towards your new family and the family you made as the head of the area you all live in.

The days passed and your love for your family grew as did it for your home as well the people were good and happy while the area was nice and safe for everyone to enjoy while there was no shortage to be found for anything anyone had needed.

You along with a few other people were planning the wedding of your first daughter the young woman who not too long ago would have done anything to stay with you and try to make up any reason to not have to leave your side was now going to start her own journey and live however she pleased with the man she choose to be with for the remainder of from start to finish.

While you reminisce about the first time you had met them for both encounters you realize you might have been a bit too hard, but you had to be if they were going to take one of your family from you but after a bit you accepted when you saw how happy they were together.

As the time got closer and closer for final day of you being able to tell your daughter what to do and everything that you used to be able to do with and for her you began to let go even if it was just as much as you were supposed to as she was finally all grown up and allowed to make her own choices in life.

When the time of wedding finally arrived, you had walked her down the area as a last request as her father so that you could fully get everything through your system to be able to say goodbye to her and let her welcome the new era of life, she would be living with all the ups and downs that came with it.

When it ended you were a bit sad, but you wiped away your tears and continued to move on since you wanted her to have a home to come back to since she left to another area to make a name for herself after a final hug between you two.

While walking down the path you saw the love in the air the next day as everyone saw or heard about the wedding and made a lot of the people in the area ready and wanting to have another one with the people they wanted to be with as well.

You walked and walked and saw the romance between the people young and old alike while also seeing the past of what you used to do with your family when they were younger and wanting to be with you every step of the way no matter where it happened to be.

And the last stop of your walk was to a person that you had met that helped you take care of all of your kids when you could not help them with certain problems or when you had work to do as the leader of the entire area, she was someone special to you for that reason and for another as she made you feel love the most both the emotion within and from your bracelet as well.

After a night's rest with the only woman, you have loved for a long time that was not the same species as you it was back to the same old way of life making choices and demands that would be best for the area and the people while talking it through the council members and hearing their thoughts and ideas.

Before you knew it time had passed enough for you to be with the woman you loved and cared for while the rest of your children either left or stayed and had fun messing with both you and their mother as she had been for all the years they needed one.

You could not have guessed that thanks to these feelings and emotions you could gain strength far better than the others but that might have been because you were high on love at the time for it to be as strong as it was or could be.

After practicing with your powers for a bit you then got a surprising visit from not only your children that had left to do their own things in the other areas, but you had also gotten a visit from your grandkids as well some had come because they wanted you to bless their children while the others had come just because they had missed you.

Either way you were extremely happy to have your entire family with you again and after letting them know that you had some work to do for now, they eventually left with the promise of coming back for dinner when you finished all your work for the moment.

When you completed the last bit of work you had for the day you then told the other council members what you had needed them to do before leaving to finally be with your family and have a grand meal with them all again after the longtime of not being able to do so.

When you got home you were first greeted by your in laws letting you know everything that they could about how life was like where they lived and how your children were acting when they were away from their homes and all the memories they had with it.

And after hearing all about their journey of being adults you then had dinner with all of them present made it seem more like a feast than a simple meal to talk and enjoy and when it was all said and done you all went to your own rooms while waiting for night to pass while just enjoying all that had happened for everyone involved.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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