Golden Glow of thy balde

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The place that you land at and start to explore this time is a planet that looks a lot like earth in the medieval ages but there is one small difference they all have blasters and blades made out of pure light and other machines that where never possible on your planet.

As you explore the lands of this future medieval kingdom you find that there are more and more similarities between earth in the medieval ages and their super advanced tech life differences.

Like how the Men have more power than women but that does not mean they have no power its just the men that are having to go out and risk their lives for anything that is needed from them, how they have a royal family that has all the power of their land and how everyone else that is lower has to obey their commands.

But the difference for that is that the royal family are the only people who can activate certain tools of war that allow them to protect and attack when it is deemed necessary and that there is a council that leads the country with the royal family having a larger amount of influence with their votes than the others.

As you explore the area and learn more about how they work and what life is like in the kingdom you come across a man with nothing on him other than a large blade that is pointing to a sign that says, "Will teach the blade of kings if you are worthy."

And to that end since you are the king of all you do feel that you are worthy only to be shut down by the old man saying that it is too early for you to call yourself a king or to be even close to the of fighting like a true sword king.

And after hearing him say that you say that you are worthy but would like to know how to let him know that you were and the only thing he said to you is to figure out what a true king desires when he fights and not what some ruff barbarian does that is when he shall teach you and others the way of the blade fit for kings.

And after he says that you then leave and find a place of silence so that you can figure out what it meant to truly be a king for all and not just someone saying that he is one and as you meditated and concentrated trying to find out what the meaning by what the old man had said was and then it hit you.

From what you saw from the kings of everywhere you had been and everyone you will be there has always been one truth with them and that is they will try and do all that they can for others and not just for themselves so to be a true king he had to be someone who could be strong for himself and for everyone that needs his strength.

So after exiting the cave that you had stayed in for the time being you then went back to the old man and you just heard him go hmph then say that he did not think you had it in yea to find out what it means to be king so soon but I am a man of my word so lets get started shall we.

And after saying that he then appeared next to you and told you where to go and how to get there by popping in every so often and pointing you to the direction of where he was wanting you to go only to find out at the end of it you just made a giant lap and that the training grounds where right next to where he was sitting at.

And as you just stared at him with anger and frustration, he told you that a king needs knowledge to succeed and to never believe other whole heartedly like you just did prior but that it was something that they were going to work on until he had become the king of the sword like he had promised.

As you began your training it was very apparent that the old man liked to cause you harm in the name of "guidance" which happened every single time that you did something wrong even if only by a little bit and after getting told to do impossible things and even if you did it to the letter, he would come up with the most random reasons to start hitting you.

And after a very very long time of getting "trained" and "disciplined" the time was almost over for you training and when it was the last day the old man told you that the whole thing about a kings blade was nothing more than a false hope because there is no blade for kings or way of fighting for one but there is the power to be able to help others from the blade work that he had taught you as that was the kind of king he believed others would want.

And after recalling what you were being taught and how to fight with it you had to say he was right it was something that is only made to help out in group combat with enemies everywhere and only one was to be able to help them and that was the fighting style you had been taught.

After thanking him even after calling him a scam artist in the process he gave you a ceremonial dagger that was to indicate that you where the last and only man around that could fight like you could with the blade alone against many blades around and then told you to scram and that he had other people waiting.

And after you laughed with him you then left after giving him some gifts and then you went and stored the dagger and went off to explore the world some more and hope to actually find a style of combat or make one that was for solo fighting with the sword.

And that is all for now hope you all liked it and hope you all enjoyed yourselves and until next time stay safe and peace.

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