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Miss Martian: "We're approaching Santa Prisca."


Batman: "Isla Santa Prisca This island nation is the primary source Of a dangerous and illegal neosteroid  A strength enhancing drug sold under the street name "Venom". Infrared heat signatures indicate their factory Is still operating at full capacity, But all shipments of Venom have been inexplicably cut off. That's where this team comes in. This is a covert recon mission only. Observe and report. If the Justice League needs to intervene, it will. The plan requires two drop zones.."

Robin: "So who's in charge."

Both Batman and Red Tornado look at you as you and Wally are eating a bunch of different snacks as they shaking their heads.

Batman: "Work that out between you."

-Flashback end-

Miss Martian: "Drop zone "A" in 30."

Aqualad: "(Stands and presses his emblem making his entire outfit black) Ready."

Miss Martian: "Putting bioship in camouflage mode."

Gold Lantern: "Well this should be fun."

Per Lynn: "(Staring at Miss Martian.) She looks cute."

Ghia'ta: "(Also staring at Miss Martian) Agreed."

Both: "But you have to tell us before you do anything like last time."

You then laugh awkwardly as everyone looks at you with more confusion than before.

Aqualad: "(Through comms) Heat and motion sensors are patched. Data is now on a continuous loop. Move in."

Miss Martian: "Drop Zone B."

Miss Martian then tells her ship to give Kid Flash and Robin some support as Kid Flash presses his emblem and his outfit becomes all dark like Aqualads.

Kid Flash: "How cool is this? Very impressive."

Miss Martian like all martins casually changes her outfit to a matching dark color.

Kid Flash: "Uh, that works, too. Hey, Supey ,Goldey, not too late to put on the new stealth tech."

Gold Lantern & Super Boy: "No capes, no tights. No offense."

Miss Martian: " It totally works for you. (You see pink around her as she checks both you and Super Boy out.) In that you can totally do good work in those clothes."

Miss Martian then turns herself invisible trying to hide from her own embarrassment while also becoming invisible as you all drop down from Bio-Ship.

Miss Martian landed gracefully while Kid Flash and Robin went down safely thanks to the lines Bio-Ship provided as Super Boy crashed onto the earth as you just hovered above and landed somewhat gracefully.

Super Boy: "Knew I didn't need a line."

Robin: "And yet creating a seismic event May not have helped us much with the covert."

Gold Lantern: "But that had to have been a lot more fun."

Miss Martian: "(Speaking through comms) Aqualad, drop "B" is go."

Aqualad: "Head for the factory. I'll track your GPS and rendezvous ASAP."

Robin: "Roger that."

You all then follow Robin as he has a map of the place towards the factory all the while Ghia'ta and Per Lynn are still talking your ear off from when you playfully flirted with Wonder Woman and when you get your head back into the game its only when.

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