Welcome to the Arena

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Crowd: "(Lots of different noised excitements.)"


Rock man: "Knock em dead champ (Pats you on the back as you leave)."

As the gold dispersed you appeared in the center wearing your golden cape and gauntlet with nothing else as a way of testing yourself in combat so you wouldn't rely to heavily on one ability that you posses like you had in the past

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As the gold dispersed you appeared in the center wearing your golden cape and gauntlet with nothing else as a way of testing yourself in combat so you wouldn't rely to heavily on one ability that you posses like you had in the past.

Frost: "(Whispers) You're not so tough I'm going to take you down and take all I can from this dump."

You said nothing and just shacked his hand and giving him a mean glare as you started walking towards your side and as you walked the arena started shifting and moving and when you sat down on your golden thrown you started to ascend.

Ghia'ta: "What an annoying man."

Per Lynn: "I have to agree with pinky on this one how much you want to bet that he didn't even look into what you could do."

You: "I bet everything."

Per Lynn: "(Whistles) That's a dangerous gamble (Moves closer to you and stokes your chin) But I like danger."

Both of them then kiss you as they then go back into your gauntlet as you get ready to put on another grand show for everyone and when you everything finally stopped moving a flying camera then came towards you.

Both of them then kiss you as they then go back into your gauntlet as you get ready to put on another grand show for everyone and when you everything finally stopped moving a flying camera then came towards you

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[(The throne and the pose only)]


Crowd: "(Different forms of cheers and some booing.)"

You: "WELL FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO ARE NOT LET ME SHOW YOU WHAT IT MEANS TO RAIN SUPREME! (You then jump off and as you start following you preform your chant.) Everything under the skies and above the cosmos shall bend to my might for there is only one that commands all for all is mine and for anyone who goes against my will beware my power for Gold lanterns might."

When you landed there was another gold explosion and after taking a look around you saw that your side of the ring had been modeled after a city and not wanting to give frost any time to plan any sort of attack you started running towards where you thought he might be.

Ghia'ta: "There's something heading towards you on your left."

Per Lynn: "And there's something very fast and very dangerous approaching from the southeast."

As some icicles came towards you, you created a shield to block them and jump off of like a ramp as a dog like creature came rushing towards where you were.

You: "Man I hate those things."

Not wanting to waste any more time you continued running and as you did more and more traps came flying at you while giant hordes of terrifying monsters continued charging at you but it all stopped when you and frost met face to face.

Frost: "Couldn't wait to lose I see (Creates a frost spear) Well come at me."

You both then rushed at each other but frost stopped when you saw you make nine different construct swords one for each color of the gems on your gauntlet.

Frost: "What? That's not possible."

You grabbed Fear and Hope as you swung them both together at his while he just barley managed to block with his staff.

You: "Its very real and very possible you just didn't take the time to learn."

When you said that Love and Rage both went right through him you slammed your bladed down onto his staff breaking it you then backed away with yellow, blue, pink and red returning right behind you.

Frost: "How!? (Screaming) This shouldn't be possible!"

Frost then charged at you and as you stood there seemingly ready to take the full blunt of his rage induced crazed attack and when you swung at you as hard as he could you just pivoted around him and blasted him with your energy beam.

You couldn't even consider him to be an enemy after that attack as he no longer said anything and only relied on pure instinct as he tried get a hit on you and failing as anytime he swung at you, you would pivoted around him and blast him and when he tried to blast you with ice you used all your different blades to block and attack all at the same time. 

You: "I expected better from a man who boasted as much as you."

After you said that you then fired your focused energy beam at him and when everything was blaring that you had won that was when everything stopped for you and the digital simulation ended and when you walked out you heard him kicking and screaming as security took him out.

Rockman: "That was a great show man everyone loved it."

You: "Well it is my last one I only came here to learn how to fight many different types of beings."

Rockman: "Well good luck on what ever it is you decide to do and that everyone here is happy for you and none of us think that anyone will forget about Prince anytime soon."

As you walked through the viral arena you made your way towards the living quarters of all the champions of the galactic arena and when you closed your door you just went in took a deep breath and smiled while also crying a bit.

You did so for two reason one was because you had spent the last who knows how long amount of time in this place eating only things you had made with your powers because you couldn't eat anything that was served to you and because of that you had lost your ability to even taste the food that made you feel a little closer to home.

And the second reason was because you finally felt like it was time for you to go home you finally felt like you were done and that you had no reason to stay any longer so you ate, cleaned, and slept one last time before you then flew as far as you could away from everything.

You: "Ghia'ta (A female pink humanoid being appears.) Per Lynn (A female green humanoid being appears.) You both ready to see what my time looks like."

Per Lynn & Ghia'ta: "Till death do us part."

Grabbing both their hands you then focused and made a time portal that looked like what Clark used to go back to his own time and as you walked through it everything you experienced and went through started playing back like a movie all around you until everything stopped.

???: "Who the heck are you?"

Thank you everyone who has followed along with this story I have made so far and as the backstory has finally finished I hope you all continue to enjoy this and Until next time stay safe and peace.

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