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After a couple weeks of healing and trying your best to restore your power you found that it was all hopeless as the best you could muster from it in its current state would be to provide you with emergency first aid healing.

You could see and feel the chilling gaze's and looks of contempt from some of the people you once called friends as you try and continue to train and act like normal so no one would treat you like a helpless child needing protection any longer.

The worst thing that has happened to you since you had lost were how every time you were near the other Legionnaires you could feel them walking around eggshells around you while also trying not to even mention anything that happened that day or anything even remotely related to it.

That meant you had no idea about anything that had happened since you were hospitalized meaning you had no idea about the people you saved, if you had taken care of the bad guys and made sure that none of them would try anything like that again or if you even put a stop to any of it you were in the total dark and nothing you said or did would change how anyone acted towards you.

Your room had completely changed as you threw, broke, and ripped apart everything you could in your almost constant state of anger at how everyone had been treating you and the people you were closest to Clark, Per Lynn, and Ghia'ta anything they tried to do to make you feel better had only made you feel worse as that just made you feel even more of a child needing protection.

Every day you felt more isolated at how everyone treated you like you had just lost a part of yourself and as true as that might have been it was a part of you that strengthened what you could already do not make things impossible without it.

The only thing you could think of to get rid of the problems that had come from you being to now be powerless you decided to avoid everyone else and put all that time into learning everything you could while also working out and continuing the creative training regime that was given to you before you lost your powers.

What you had done might be seen as a bad thing, but you could not care less as you would have preferred the way you had taken to having to deal with the looks and the way everyone around you acted whenever you were in the room or area and even whenever your name got mentioned.

It had caused some problems both with yourself and with the people around you, but you didn't stay inside forever you came out of hiding every once and awhile to spend some time with the people you cared about and to see if they had stopped acting differently towards you but no matter how many times you went out their expressions never changed.

Every day you would close your doors to the outside world smash up your room for a bit to let of some steam before you then continued to learn about the world you now lived in while also working out because even though you had lost your powers you still had your body.

And from what you had seen from a past hero called Batman that and his brains was all he really needed to take down crime in his city with only the occasional help from others and his gadgets.

You had finished learning everything you could about the past and now the only thing you had needed to learn was everything that had happened beyond that time frame but for some reason a lot of things you had seen did not make any sort of sense as some articles told very different stories while also talking bad about different people, places, and objects.

None of which had made any sort of sense to you, but you just kept scrolling through it all as you further trained your body and learned how to fight better from the skills old and new that you had learned throughout your vast life.

The only times you had clear thoughts and were truly happy after losing your powers was when you were fighting and after remembering everything you had done in your life you reached the conclusion that you were a battle junkie that loved fighting more than anything else for the most part.

But spending time with the people you cared about would mean more to you than fighting but at the moment that was not the case as you didn't feel like they were your friends at all and more like care takes for a poor broken old man.

You hated that feeling more than anything, but you also hated how nothing you did was amazing and how they all sometimes tiptoed around you both literally and figuratively.

But there was nothing you could do as in their eyes you were someone weak and powerless that needed protecting from the world around you while also trying to make sure you no longer felt down which made you feel everyone was wearing a mask in your presence including you.

Nothing you did felt the same as it once did everywhere you went you would see some of the Legionaries look away as they didn't know how to act towards you while others tried way too hard to please you like you had just been told you were at deaths door.

And when those days ended with you locking yourself in you chambers you worked out all your frustrations out on your room and yourself through even harder training and sometimes before you would even know it night had become day and fulled by anger and self-loathing you had managed to stay awake throughout the night and continued on like it was nothing during the day and as the days pass those days grew more and more.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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