Early Warning

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Was all that anyone could hear for miles off the coast of Kaltan Russia as a warehouse was flashing like it wanted to be a rave club with a man crashing through the giant windows of the place as a man in a silver mask makes his way out of the place as creatures that can only be described as fear incarnate seemed to obey him.

???: "(Slowly points towards the man trying his best to run away as the man speaks in a distorted echoey voice) Sick em!"

The man cries out as the silver masked man just walks slowly into the building and when help eventually comes they come in waves as a good chunk of Russa's Military might had come over to see what was happening including their top secret robot warriors.

Sadly however they came to late since whatever the masked man was or did had somehow turned the entire warehouse into nothing more than a giant picture billboard INCLUDING THE CLIFF IT WAS ON!

This action left all of them baffled beyond belief at what had just transpired whilst the soldiers that had arrived their were speaking something in Russian which did not seem pleasant in any shape or form with some of them doing the one act of sign language that everyone on earth knows in their hearts by middle school.

Meanwhile somewhere inside downtown New York walks a man who's scratch his arm like no tomorrow looking a lot like someone in desperate need of their next fix more than anything else wearing a blue hoodie, black cap, green cargo shorts, and workman boots as a long strand of silver hair sticks out like a tail.

The man looks around anxiously like he was wanted by well everyone from how fast and quick he turned and started running from the slightest sound that seemed to be around or for him... well at least in his own mind anyhow. 

Eventually the man got pulled into a nearby back alley by a bunch of thugs most likely looking for a quick buck but for some reason the guy seemed awfully calm about the whole thing even to the point where it started to freak the thugs out a bit.

Thug 1 [A big guy wearing the classic gang banger look]: "Hey what's this guy's deal? Why he getting off on dis?"

Thug 2[Skinny as a skeleton, wearing a black tank top that doesn't fit, saggy green jeans, belt that's barley holding anything up and some off brand Jordans]: "(Slaps Thug 1's back) Dude don't worry about it (flips out knife) lets just get this freaks threads and wallet and be on our way."

Just as the two thugs came came closer to the group a great big flash of light happened with the ponytail guy walking out of there feeling a lot better? Yeaaa there's no real way to describe what had just happened especially since those two seemed to have vanished completely as literally no one had seen them since.

Meanwhile the strange man was now inside a motel out of his clothes with tattoos that looks like the thugs that vanished as they hug each other on his back, a house on the cliffside just floating there on is shoulder with a tiny sliver skull mask on the side of his neck looking like a hickey from an 80's gogo dancer.

The man looks into the mirror sees what a white faced version of Marcel would look like... which again was a bit odd since unless they were like Michael Jackson than theirs no other reason that anyone who was once black to now become white unless their a power ranger.

-Speedvally 9:30 Am-

Marcel wakes up ready to start the day as most men in their early 20's do with a giant groan and no real desire to get out of bed any time soon but they do so anyway because they want to make some money or have other important things to do that day.

Marcel gets ready for his day of working on helping Speed valley since he was the only person there that was both able bodied and also didn't really have anyone waiting for him at home which like kind of hurt a lot even though it was completely true especially when it came from the mayor of the place.

Marcel: "(Splashing water on his face) Ugh I hope today goes by fast and I don't have anything else to do (looks at his couch and tv longingly) soon.... soon."

Putting on his brown jacket that Fortis had given along with with some black gloves since who the heck knows what's going to happen while he's out and about basically being the entire towns whipping boy like some game character in a sea of side quests that in the end don't even lead to anything cool only more stupid side quests that all give him basically nothing.

Marcel then arrives at the tiny wooden shed that the Mayor had told him about and put on the "I LOVE WORKING FOR FREE <3" hat that didn't make Marcel seriously question his stance on being a hero and not burning both the shed and the Mayor.

But Fortis manages to calm him down enough to the point where he just sticks some earbuds in and puts on something to listen to as he goes about fixing all the towns little problems while the people that were supposed to do them in the first place just watch him as they eat donuts and drink coffee.

Marcel: "(Dirty and sweat cover any and all bare skin spaces on his body as he looks at the workers with hate and bitterness while also panting) Why.... are... they... just... sitting... there? Instead... of... working..."

Sadly the town wasn't done with Marcel just yet as he didn't even get a break that lasted longer than five minutes. What with the workers being major league uptight jerks for no reason that seemed to report to someone possibly the mayor that he was resting which resulted in about FIFTY PEOPLE!!! All coming over to him with many different problems as Marcel honestly wished for their deaths and the death of speed-valley at that very moment.

But the thought of all his teammates and the look on their faces if he were to do such a thing were what pushed him over the edge enough to work for about Twenty hours straight with only about maybe a solid hour of him being able to rest whenever he could mange.

And as night fell with Marcel going off to sleep and call this day the worst ever and try his best to forget about it till he eventually moves out and drops a giant anvil looney tunes style on the Mayors home as well as those of the works and the ones who made him do the most just because they could.

But for the Silver masked man night was when he started to dance as he got dressed and looked on with sheer glee at the biggest bank New York had to offer as the two thugs from before followed him as they each looked like sniveling wrecks from how they were before as well as them looking like they just stayed with Mr.Freeze for a bit.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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