Story Time

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-6:13 AM Al's Office-

Al: "So laddy ye got your problems sorted."

Fortis: "Yes and (Waves hand) you've clearly been drinking."

Al: "Well sorry (Bows while still holding bottle of alcohol and when he does accidentally starts pouring it out) that I can't fathom a reason to be jolly without drinking me medicine."

Fortis: "Well how about some help."

Al: "(Talks like certain pirate named after a bird) And how could you (tries to point at Fortis but just circles finger instead) help little old me (flops on couch)."

And just like that the conversation at least for now is over as Al starts snoring, passed out at a weird angle on his sofa while Fortis along with Per Lynn and Ghia'ta help clean the place up a bit and since Fortis doesn't really know much about what looks good to live in both girls are a lot more helpful than he is.

Cleaning up the place was probably one of the hardest things that Fortis probably has ever done since to his knowledge it had always been taken care of by others as he just left whatever he called home the same as when he got there with a few extra things added that he thought were cool added to the mix.

The first thing to take care of was all of Al's empty bottles and trash that was littered around the place and at first he just wanted to put everything in one giant bag that he would then toss in the nearest trashcan but after being berated by Ghia'ta and Per Lynn for even thinking that everything was instead sorted into proper bags to be dropped off at the nearest recycling area.

While cleaning there were many times were the girls got uncomfortable for a variety of reasons sometimes Fortis saw things that made him uncomfortable as well but for the most part he basically just escaped reality and just got rid of whatever was trash and whatever the girls told him was trash.

Once Fortis got everything in their appropriate bags he made sure to get rid of one bag that the girls had been begging him to just destroy and it was the one full of gross papers that seemed to stick together with some of them looking like plates or at least seemed to be as hard as one.

And as the bag full of content that would probably make all the girls in the Justice league hurt either him or Al burned to ash's the wind took each part and sent them back to nature while Fortis took all the other bags and started to drop them off at a recycling plant.

Once he got back all that was left was to sort through everything, clean up the place, and see what needed fixing but even though he could do all of that after what he and the girls just witnessed it was time that Al started helping at least so no more of his very private things get destroyed again.

Fortis: "Hey (shakes Al) Wake up it's time to help clean this place up."

Al: "No (Turns over and hugs his empty bottle) let the trash flow."

Fortis: "If you don't I'll get rid of more of your stuff."

Al: "(Pirate voice again) Wah don't you dare all of that is mine and you can't have any."

Fortis: "Then help me clean up."

Al: "(Begrudgingly) Fine."

So with Al somewhat awake and maybe helping everything goes about .5% faster than when Fortis was doing it alone since Al didn't really seem to care and the only thing he did was drink some more and eat his food while throwing away the empty trash after Fortis told him so.

While Fortis was looking over and at everything to see if it was broken or not and if they were just how broken before needing replacement and the fact that pretty much everything was broken to the point of it being an art piece or close to becoming and for some reason surprised not just Fortis but Al as well.

Fortis: "Man (tosses random broken piece of junk) you really needed to get better things I mean (points to small hill of broken things) this was all just basically the hallway of the place."

Al: "Whatever (drinks) not like any of it going to matter paper is going out of business while this place becomes run down."

Fortis just shakes his head and laughs as he gets back to work and from a little montage like speed happing both Fortis and Al get to work and clean the place up to make it not look like such a run down and terrible place to be in to just a run down place to be in.

And as the montage ends both Fortis and Al slump down on the only couch in the place, crack open their drinks and start talking about how to make the business that Al either owns or runs into a successful one and how Fortis can help out.

As they talked they could hear the place start to creak a bit but they found out it was just the couch as it broke and they both fell down with it onto the floor and with that their little break had ended and they started getting back to work again.

After what felt like the whole day passing both of them by they actually fixed up the place enough for it to be usable at least for one person and once the last of everything was thrown away both Al and Fortis bid each other a fair well after planning when they were to meet each other again.

Once Fortis left Al ran back into his office space and started to write for the first time in what felt like forever a story that would hopefully interest and entertain everyone across the world and that story was the first of many that Fortis would tell and allow the man to use to make a living.

And like many stories once it was published no one cared or seemed to be interested since he was unknown and everyone part of the Justice League was the only thing people really seemed to care about.

But for once in Al's life he did not stop writing which was odd since he gave up most of the time when any stories he made didn't seem to go well and instead focused on other things but this time was different since he could practically smell the profit it would bring him.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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