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Mount Justice - February 28, 10:07 EST

Riding a skateboard through the cave with a milkshake in hand Fortis was cruising through the place always seeming to look at his watch or a watch he would make randomly as if he was waiting for something to happen.

Garfield: "What's up with him?"

Nightwing: "No one really knows even after all these years the only person I've ever seen him be truly open with was Superman and he's not exactly chatty when it comes to Fortis or anything about him."

Robin: "How about we just go ask him what his deal is."

Nightwing: "Not going to work."

Robin: "And why is that?"

Nightwing: "The man once disappeared for an entire year and when he got back he was covered in wounds and all his clothes were completely destroyed and as he flopped onto the couch Miss Martian turned on the T.V. which reported a war seemed to be growing strong had just ended with both sides shaking hands in peace."

Garfield: "That's a good thing right?"

Nightwing: "It would be if for one thing they didn't try to kill the other at any chance they could and the other was when he accompanied Miss Martian to the peace talk showing nothing but fear and strong imagines of him being a monster inside their minds."

Robin: "Oh my god, d-did he say anyting."

Nightwing: "Not a word to anyone he just looked at then and shock his own hands together seeming to tell them to shake and make up from the way they acted when they saw that."

Garfield: "That sounds impressive but also kind of lacking if it took him an entire year."

Nightwing: "(Long pause) You seemed to have misheard what I meant..."

Robin: "Then what did you mean?"

Nightwing: "(Brings up lots and lots of different articles all made during the time Fortis had gone dark) That was the only thing we knew he did during his time away from the team."

Robin: "Then what are all these?"

Nightwing: "Everything that has been narrowed down to what he might have done based on knowledge of what he can do."

Garfield: "This is a lot for just one man."

Nightwing: "Trust me there used to be a lot more that we only got rid of because he said it was beneath him."

And out of no where with a great big flash everything seemed to change as even the molecules got rearranged and when they looked up they realized that some kid was inside the center of it stepping out with a fast and giant leap declaring that he was the son of the Flash.

And out of no where with a great big flash everything seemed to change as even the molecules got rearranged and when they looked up they realized that some kid was inside the center of it stepping out with a fast and giant leap declaring that he w...

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Impulse: "Ta-da!"

Computer: "Intruder alert. Intruder alert."

Nightwing: "Computer. Lock down cave."

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