The Destroyed

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When you finally wake back up again you are greeted by the people you had just saved at first they were a little confused about how you managed to save all of them but after awhile of you explaining how you did what you did they accepted it mainly because they told you when they woke up you were covered in blood and almost all parts of your body were either broken or damaged.

The only reason they could figure on how you still lived with your body the way it was, your body got a lot better at regenerating damaged cells or you managed to get a bit of your power back.

You knew it couldn't be either as your body had been stuck at the way you were when you found it, and only recently had you started to grow again and there was no way you could gain any power as the bracelet was still drained of all its power as it continuously fell off your wrist anytime you tried putting it on.

As you listened on what they had told you about your body you got a piece of fabric that you placed inside the bracelet to which you tied it around your arm once that was secure you got a bigger piece of cloth just in case to secure it.

Legion Doc: "Hey you listen to me this is very serious."

You: "Sorry what did you say Doc."

Legion Doc: "[Clears throat] Ahem... Anyway, what I was saying was how have you lived for as long as you have?"

You: "What do you mean?"

Legion Doc: "[Presses some buttons as your x-rays appear] Well almost all your bones have been destroyed as it appears they regressed to a simpler form your tissue samples indicate that you should have died by the age of three based on how many of your white blood cells are missing and so many more problems I'm honestly amazed that you are still breathing."

You: "Well I did come from the past."

Legion Doc: "How far back the stone age!? Otherwise, these results don't make any sense it's like your body had grown accustomed to being immune to everything around for hundreds of years if you don't get back what made you this way, I'm sorry to say but in my honest opinion you should have been dead yesterday it's a miracle you are still standing, and your body won't last long."

You: "So you're saying I'm a ticking clock."

Legion Doc: "No what I'm saying is that you are a clock that should have stopped working eons ago and what you did even with the help of everything here whatever time you had left you just shortened it by a lot."

You: "Well where is everyone else?"

Legion Doc: "Well probably at some villains lair [Picks up chair and sits on it.] We have no idea who attacked us, but we do know they were a lot of them, and they all held a grudge since most of them came in screaming revenge this and that."

After asking for any and everything they could get on the people who attacked them you tried your best to remember everything you overheard while working at the bar and after gathering all the data you came to the conclusion, they were hiding out in the one place they thought was safe.

The place that had cost you your powers the underground sewer meeting place you didn't tell any of them the location as you could feel that when you go back to that place you will come out a changed man for better or for worse you could not tell.

When you got there you saw that they had a few guards patrolling the area most likely making sure the parameter was secured and as you walked around casing the joint and once you felt like you fully understood the layout and patrol patterns you went in.

Your entrance wasn't the flashiest, but it was the most affective as you couldn't understand a thing the guard you managed to come over to you and when he was the closest you bashed their head with a random glass bottle you found laying around.

As you dragged the guy away you were very thankful that the future still had glass bottles and littering as it made your job a whole lot easier as you striped the guard of all their gear checked to make sure everything was working properly and had a full clip as you started taking out the other guards.

You managed to use the same trick again on another guard but weren't going to take your chances any more than that as by now they should have begun to wonder what happened to the other guards, so you channeled your inner dark bat as you took down the remaining two by surprising them and slamming their faces into the ground or anything solid near you.

Striping anything of value off of them as well you then sneak on in the sewer base knocking out a few more guards along the way but those times were just you pistil whipping them in the face as hard as you could.

After doing that for a few long hours you finally made your way to the inner sanctum and in front of you were Ghia'ta and Per Lynn strung up in chains covered in blood as a some of the aliens were still beating them for sick pleasure.

All the while you saw Superman chained up under a red light with something attached to his chest that had a green glow with some things attached that made something green flow all across him as he screamed in pain.

You didn't know who was luckier them or the pile of dead Legionnaire members covered in blood and something else that had something flying above them and the only thing you could do was sit there and bury your anger as you started thinning out their numbers.

Once you took out half of their numbers that's when you could tell they started looking for someone and when you took out half of the rest they started to panic as Superman, Ghia'ta and Pery Lynn all began to smile ablet weakly.

You: "Boo!"

Was all you said as you started blasting and dodging all their attacks in a spectacular fashion as if you were dancing when you dodged you made sure to attack and when you attacked you made sure to dodge it was something you were thankful for learning as you tried your best to survive and free your friends.

You: "Where the heck are they all coming from. [You then fire shots from two of the future guns you grabbed.]"

But just as you were all about to reach sweet freedom you felt something hit, you in the chest and when you turned to see who had done it a giant pale skinned man in a black suit was there and no one else.

You could tell he was someone high in command as Ghia'ta, Per Lynn, and Superman shacking in fear or anger and feeling that there was no one out for you at least you dropped your guns and charged straight at him causing both of you to fall down a very long whole until....

And that my friends is where I shall end it for now hope you all enjoyed and tune in next time for more till then stay safe have fun and peace.

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