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Finally having enough of how ever one was treating you, you had decided to leave by sneaking out of the Legionaries headquarters while everyone was sleeping and to your surprise it was quite easy to do since you were a) not a criminal and b) still a member so you had enough access to everything to get out of there with everything you needed to live on your own for awhile.

Not wanting to worry anyone you left them a note that said.

"To anyone who may be reading this I decided to leave for a bit so that I could feel better and figure out what I wanted to do now that I am a normal human again, I have no plans on leaving permanently but I have no control over the future for now I am gone but I plan to come back when I feel the time is right until then have fun and keep everyone safe.

Yours truly Ә̸͕͍̝͕͕̒̆̎̊̀o̴͔̖̟̥͛̅̂̋́͜ĺ̸̛̠̭̰̹̣̽͑͘ḇ̴̺̮̭̥̃̃̀̈́͘ ̷̢̛̳̼̅̈͛̕ͅͅl̴͎͚̪̲̅̿͛̓̕͜ɒ̸̡̪̯̪̠̂̀̃͆͌ņ̵̥̬̹͂̇̓̚͘͜Ɉ̸̛̯̰̩̞͔͆͗̋̚ɘ̴̡̡͚̼̰́͆̆̈́̿ɿ̴̧̱͎͔̦̀̍̇́͊ņ̷͈̝͚̤̆̎͗͗͊."

You then grabbed some food and started walking your journey to both figure out what you were going to do now and how to survive in a world that is familiar and yet not all at the same time.

As you walked you could see the people you were passing by looking at you with strange looks on their faces like if you were the first human, they had ever seen but after awhile it had donned on you that you were acting like how travelers from your time looked and acted like.

You then realized again just how different the world was now compared to how you remembered it to be as well as just how out of place everything seemed to you, but you still kept walking the same as always as you needed some time alone to figure out now.

After walking for what had felt like a few miles but you couldn't tell if it was, and you had no idea if they had changed its measurement last time you had used and learned about it but for the moment you didn't care about anything as you happened onto a bar and were planning on getting drunk since you had never gotten hammered before since you were to young before and wanted to be in perfect health to remember everything.

Now you just didn't care the liquor you were offered on the nightmare planet was something you would only force on your enemies to drink from the smell and look of it alone, so you walked right on in and ordered the strongest thing they got for someone like you.

You then saw the blob like being grab something with a tentacle without even looking or at least you think so you really have no idea if it did or not since you know nothing about its species except that apparently, they are able to grab anything they want while making it seem like they aren't looking.

You drink what you think might be this centuries equivalent to bourbon as you feel your throat burn every time you take a sip just like how some of your old neighbors used to react while drinking some.

A single glass of bourbon? was more than enough for you as you then began looking around the place and seeing that even after all these years bars are the one place that depending on the time and place make you feel like you'll get jumped.

The feelings even worse for you as you now know what a cave man must have felt like when coming to the 20th century as even in a place that you feel the most at home to feel completely different as the music box is just a hologram band while small hovering things carry and drop of things at different tables.

You then ask around if they know where the boss is, and you are so very thankful that you have just enough juice in your bracelet to be able to understand the aliens around you are saying and after they let you know you spend a few minutes talking to the boss to be able to work there. 

You are then hired, and you begin working right away at cleaning the place since you have nothing that was asked of you to do anything more than make sure everything was clean because and you quote.

Boss: "Even a hatchling can clean so it's pretty hard to mess it up."

As you clean up the place you realize that some things stay forever like just how disgusting public bathrooms are and you begin to wonder if anyone had ever cleaned this place or did, they just let new life forms be discovered in there.

Either way you were only going to clean that place when you had nothing else to clean since you did not feel safe at all trying to clean in there because you swear when you tried you saw a tentacle come from one of the toilets and either take or break the cleaning supplies and tools you brought.

By the time the place had closed down you could tell that your cleaning had made the place a bit better as you swear some of the places were shining like they were inside a cartoon but whatever the boss told you to close up whenever and that you slept in under the stairs since he hired you purely because you had begged him to.

Making sure that no one was there you began cleaning the kitchen as you were not allowed to do so while it was open but now that no one was there you began cleaning it up which took a lot of work as you didn't throw away any food since you didn't know a lot about what different aliens liked their foods, but you did know that no one liked things to be dirty when eating.

By the time you had started to get tired you managed to clean the area where the prepped and made the food and after looking over the areas and making sure nothing bad was going to happen you turned all the lights off and then went into your little whole to get some sleep.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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