Normal life

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-Outside Mount Justice 11:03 AM-

Fortis: "(Kicks random can) Stupid bet. (Sighs) you just had to make that promise didn't you."

-Mount Justice 8:03 AM-

Lets back up a bit where Fortis and Conner were rough housing a bit like normal until they accidentally rolled into both Batman and Robin and once they realized what they did they both got up, apologize, as they then wait for punishment while casually punching each other sometimes until one of them hits just a bit to hard making the other fly.

Wally: "(Eating box of snacks) You know I bet neither of you two would last long without your powers (crunch)."

Fortis/Conner: "(Look each other in the eyes) Your on after this of course (they both punch each other letting each other flyyyyy)." 

-Outside Mount Justice 11:20 AM-

Unlike Conner Fortis has lived life without powers once before but unlike the two lives he lived without them this time was on his own terms which helped him fully realize that once someone got the taste of using powers normal everyday life became just so booooring.

Like what can excite a man more than being able to break the sound barer just to get some authentic food any place he wants to then having to settle for a fake, cheap, knock off version of that very same food and even if he somehow manages to get the same tasting food it cost a whole lot more than if he went and got it from there.

Anyway not really having anywhere to go, a mentor, or pretty much a life outside of Mount Justice Fortis goes to the nearest park and decides to have a look around a nearby park so he can watch what normal people do.

While people watching Fortis sees many different types of people and why they may be there some are obviously doing something that they know is either bad or shady while others are there to have fun with their loved ones with the last tipe being those that only want money.

All of a sudden Fortis gets hit with a football and when he grabs the ball he sees a couple of people waving him over so they can get their ball back and getting the signal Fortis walks a little bit back much to the confusion of those who are waiting for their ball back before they see the strange man throw their ball at them.

Fortis was quite a bit a distance away from the people as he threw the ball with a perfect spiral as hard as he could without powers at them and as one of them caught the ball they looked back to see that the man had vanished confusing all of them on where the man had went with some wondering if he was even there.

-Dinner 3:33 PM-

Managing to find his way to a local Dinner where Fortis hopped for the first time in what felt like weeks to find good tasting food that was not overly priced that also made him enjoy is time there enough for him to want to come back again.

Looking over the menu Fortis saw pretty much everything one would expect from a diner except that like most places this one had lots and lots of special dish's, drinks, and specials all centered around all the different hero's that were part of the Justice League.

And once he saw that most of the items were Justice League themed Fortis lost any and all interest in eating there because after seeing a kid cut into Superman's face the thought of eating any one from the league well except maybe Wonder Woman disgusted him completely.

Server: "Can I get you anything for today."

Fortis: "(Quietly closes the menu and puts it down) Uhh no thanks I'm good maybe next time (gets up and walks away)."

Server: "(Faintly) Cheapskate."

Ignoring that Fortis walks out and away from the Dinner just know noticing the fact that the logo looks very similar to that of the Justice League and feels like and idiot for not being able to see it soon but eh what can you do when you just don't really care.

-Mount Justice 6:20 PM-

Back inside Mount Justice the first thing Fortis does is look for Conner to see how well he was fairing only to see that everyone (with powers at least) have also started participating and apparently the winner gets to command one thing that the losers have to do.

So like any good, normal warm blooded male Fortis sucks up any pain or discomfort he might have had and march's on so that he may win and have the power to get his friends to do one thing he tells them with Zatanna agreeing to make a binding charm to make sure that every is honest and to spice things up.

But unlike Fortis almost everyone there especially Conner has no idea how to live life without super powers since they either make up their entire life or is something that is part of their  very being so not using powers was kind of hard for some of them.

And even though it may have been difficult no one gave up they all wanted to right to command their friends to do one thing that they wanted while Robin and Artimis sat back watched and laughed at how their super friends failed to do anything normal without concentrating as hard as they could.

-Mount Justice 10:00 PM-

As fun as it might have been to look and laugh at their friends everyone has to sleep at some point which is the only time that everyone with powers can get a break since it really didn't matter how they slept since there was no controlling that.

Fortis walks into his room looks around and sees that no one is there before pulling out his thin and small black book that he was told to write in so that he can get help while his therapist gets to see what he feeling and maybe thinking on those days.

Once he finished writing he put the book back in between his mattress and then proceeded to say his goodbyes to the girls for the night before going to bed himself.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and had an awesome Christmas as we all welcome the new year and until next time stay safe and peace.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and had an awesome Christmas as we all welcome the new year and until next time stay safe and peace

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