Power Play

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???: "You have been making excellent progress so far."

Fortis: "(Sitting cross-legged) Well it's all thanks to you that I got this far."

???: "Nonsense you got here because of the effort you put into making yourself a better person."

Fortis: "It certainly doesn't feel that way. If I never talked to you or anyone than I would have never gotten here."

???: "Well everyone has thoughts that might hurt them or the people they care about and just the fact you made the first step to getting better shows how painful it must have been. But that's over now and since you seem to be doing a lot better we can reschedule once a week for cheek ups and then maybe once a month how's that sound."

Fortis: "Sounds alright (gets up) thanks a lot and see you same time next week."

Walking out Fortis lets out a long sigh wondering how to go from here; since he started getting some professional help all that's happened to him is losing him mind on what to feel and how to act sometimes without worrying if what he was doing was good or  bad for him and how he could help others improve as well.

Fortis: "Life is full of hardships and lord only knows how much I've gone through."

Old man: "Ha! Like anyone young as you can have (overexaggerated gesture) any real problems. You're just a winy little runt who may have an overexaggerated ego. (Taps Fortis with his finger) When I was your age the only thing I had to worry about was the next time I could have fun (sees Fortis walk away while smirking) Hey you disrespectful brat get back here and learn from your betters."

While walking away Fortis feels what might be a beer bottle pass by his head with him thankfully dodging out of the way with it shattering into pieces on a nearby wall and when Fortis turned around he saw that the old man had run away most likely realizing how bad throwing at bottle at someone was.

But sadly that was not the case because as he turned around the old man was in front of him with another broken bottle this time only half it was broken meaning the guy was hoping to shank him if the old man didn't get his way like a giant spoiled man child.

Old man: "(Chuckling) Now you gonna listen to what I got to say boy or else (motions broken bottle looking smug) Now what I want from you is all you got and to bow done before me while chanting how much a failure you are."

Not wanting to give the man child anymore power or delusions of grandeur Fortis grabs the mans hand twist it forcing to drop his make shift weapon breaking it completely and once that was done he placed his leg behind the the old man's and proceeded to drop him like the unwanted bag he was flat on his face.

To probably no ones surprise the man starts crying, cursing, and smack talking Fortis about what he had done like he didn't just threating him a few minutes ago while also demanding to basically be treated like a god from him.

Adding insult to injury the old man somehow manages to get people to take his side making it seem like he was the guilty party in all this madness but Fortis soon made everyone shut their moths when he flew away.

After flying for awhile Fortis lands in the middle of nowhere and wanting a bit of peace and quite from the outside world for a bit he creates his own little mirage safe haven where he can relax in peace while also talking freely to Ghia'ta and Per Lynn without anyone being there to think he's crazy.

Fortis: "Aaahhh paradise."

Ghia'ta: "..... Um you do know that you can actually made paradise right."

Fortis: "Too much work. let me relax."

Per Lynn: "(Tips the hammock causing Fortis to fall out of it) You can do a whole lot better than (motions to everything) this."

Fortis: "(Sighs begrudgingly) Alright fine."

Standing in the center of his little oasis Fortis concentrates and makes a giant tent that holds a comfy bed, hanging chair, table, and two little fans one above the bed while the other was in front of the hanging chair.

Fortis: "Ahhh (Lays down on bed) How about now."

Per Lynn: "(Sits on chair) A bit better but whatever."

Ghia'ta: "I agree it looks nice but you could still do a lot better (victory pose)."

With a sigh Fortis rolls to his side so he can get some shut eye since he was mentally drained for the day and needed some time to unwind and when he woke up from his nap he saw Ghia'ta and Per Lynn both looking at him.

Fortis: "Can I help you two?"

They both look at each other charge towards him only for him to wake up a short while later realizing that it was just a dream and that it would be almost impossible for them to eat him without his consent at least.

But after that scare he as more than ready for whatever life was planning to throw at him but first he wanted to play a little game with Ghia'ta and Per Lynn since he hasn't really spent enough time with them lately and if it were to continue nothing good could come from it.

Once outside Fortis got rid of his tent and told them the rules which was just them fighting each other with all they had without holding back to test their strengths and also because why not give them a chance to let their anger out during a time where they can beat him all they like.

The battle goes somewhat as excepted with Fortis getting completely destroyed since he didn't fight back at all because of him wanting the girls to get rid of any anger toward him and hopefully make them feel better in the process cause he certainly doesn't feel good at the moment.

With no one saying a word Fortis heads back to Mount Justice to relax with the team only for him to get a rough welcoming as everyone is rough housing around and he was the only that could have a fighting chance against Superboy.

Fortis: "(Shrugs) Eh why not (freeze frame of Fortis charging at Superboy)."

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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