First Impression

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Getting called to the tower wasn't something that Marcel was really ready for especially when he found out that it was because Beast-Boy. his main man Static, Kid-Flash, Blue-Beetle, and Wonder-girl among others were all leaving to form their own little group.

And while Marcel did enjoy the idea of that and he could tell that his own team had a similar idea as well but... he wasn't wanting nor ready for everyone to find out about his powers just yet especially when Fortis didn't say anything and just floated over him with his arms crossed.

Which never meant anything good when the man who liked annoying or messing him was more quite than Super-boy or freaking Vortus being alive and just him existing.... well as alive as one can be when their an undead looking creature with a flaming skull and skeleton body.

Along with pretty much everyone else Marcel didn't really have anything against anyone including one of, if not his best friend being out and in the open without hiding behind anything to keep his loved ones safe which resulted in him dragging the guy off to the side for a bit whilst everyone else talked for a bit.

Marcel: "(Slaps Virgil upside the head as he tries to whisper) What the heck is wrong with! Don't you realize that your pops and sister are going to be worried about you! Or even worse be targeted because you pissed one to many people off!"

Static: "(Jabs Marcel in the ribs and tries to whisper as well) Dude Chill I'm a grown man now and my families cool with it... well my not really but they understand and are overall proud of what I'm doing and how I'm doing it as well. And I mean it's not like me helping them out ain't going to change much of our lives (taps Marcels chest with the back of his hand) you know that."

Marcel just sighs for a bit as his friend goes on to join the rest of the group as they all head towards their little base of operations that isn't really all that little with the fact that Garfield aka Beast-Boy seemingly has access to the entire last floor of an apartment building.

Garfield then starts explaining everything about how the place works and how similar it was to something called the "cave" that seemed to make all the older heroes seem nostalgic for a bit including Fortis for a bit as Garfield continued telling all the new members how everything worked and what they could access.

Garfield: "We've got rooms for everyone, hologram tech, fully stocked kitchen (hears someone eating as Garfield chuckles) well mostly stocked, fully equipped gym with everything anyone could need. Minus of course anything superpowered training wise, and soon well even have our own boomtubes to use as well!"

Marcel: "That's good and all my guy but like... how the heck can you afford this place with all of its bells and whistles AND make it a pain for anyone trying to break in and fight all of you?"

Garfield: "Well for the first thing since I'm contracted to work with Gretchen good she's basically paying for everything, and as for the security... well unless they can fly than well find them right away through heat signatures and security alerts. (brings up a hologram layout of the place) As you can see everyone that's not deemed a risk or important don't show up for privacy reason but if something happens then the place will get an automatic alert letting us know."

With that Marcel backs off with the rest of his team as they all look around the place since it honestly seemed a lot cooler to them than the blandness the watchtower had to offer because even though it had a garden and the beauty that is seeing earth from space. If you see even something good enough for long enough it just becomes another sight just like all the others that doesn't really mean much.

Eventually their went out an alert that Garfield and his own little team all left and went to do their own thing as Marcel and his team left after Marcel put his hood up along with the rest of his team as Lotor placed on a cap since he didn't want to seem "Too Asian" for having his long ponytail while Vortus put on a mask and hoodie along with some shades and gloves.

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