Into the Breach

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Its been far too long since Hector has last battled Vandal and while he would have loved nothing more than to battle it out with the man once more, he knew however that it was for the greater good that they left each other apart for now and instead focused his efforts on helping this Violet girl along with anyone else that may be in need.

And since the next best thing he could do was to mess with Vandal's allies the man went with the team so he could wreck everything that place had to offer... however, he didn't realize just how messed up this Nightwing guy was along with him having a little encounter with Megan being inside his head.

[Flashback starts]

Hector: "(Holding Megan up by the throat as both his thoughts and words echo to everyone) WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO MESS WITH MY HEAD!!!"

His words echo across everyone as Superboy and Nightwing try their best to get Hector to let Mrs. Martian go since he was somehow able to completely ignore her phasing ability, with everyone around them eventually managing to get him off her but only because a group of enemies had started to pour through all the entryways.

Hector saw that the team was working through some things as some Forits guy appeared in his head and everyone started looking different along with them sounding like they had more life in them than before especially the guys for some reason?

Anyway not wanting to ask any questions Hector gave Megan a brief apology before the rest of the group split up to do their own things as Hector vanished before any of them could realize just what was happening as Superboy called him Robin's long lost ancestor for some reason?

[Flashback ends]

Hector isn't even trying to be stealthy or subtle in the slightest as he clobbers anything that so much as comes his way that isn't a member of the team... which thinking back it was a little weird just how many people he passed by with one of them wearing something similar to the Wondergirl's style.

What made it even weirder was the fact that he fought a man with something similar to his friends green gem on his bracelet thing. Honestly though what did it matter was what Hector thought has he looked at the green lantern that he was holding by the leg before smashing him into a nearby wall as he then tossed him into the crevice near him.

Another thing to make note of about Hector is he has the same amount of directional skills as a man called Zorro meaning that he has no idea where he currently is at the moment as he constantly goes where he hears combat or anything moving that sounds like he can fight it he charges towards whatever it might be since it's worked well over the centuries.

Eventually after a solid five hours of trying to figure out where the heck everyone else was/ where he was supposed to go he saw everyone around him seeming to be in a mindless state as one of the people there looked to be literally melting while the Violet girl had just gotten blasted by Victor Stone.

Hector: "I have no idea what's going on but (cracks neck) just point me in the direction of who I have to beat up."

Victor: "Man I just got here but I can definitely state that it's go time on this Granny!"

Hector: "Now normally I don't like hitting the elderly butt... I know for a fact your not old enough for me to worry and besides there's very few people in this universe that I know to be older than me."

Hector goes on to battle Granny Goodness while Marcel has managed to travel to another world that parallels his own but from what he could tell it seemed awfully darker in every sense of the word especially when he found out that the Wally west kid died over here and that no one knew a thing about Fortis or even the Gold Lanterns.

Walking around the place it was honestly a bit odd seeing just how different everything was but at the same time similar enough that it was very creepy for both Marcel and Fortis as they made their way across the town of Gotham in this reality.

The strangest thing however was that their were tones and tones of poster for both missing people but also places, with one man seeming to be the center of it and seeming somewhat proud unless it was a secret message because after getting one hundred of the things they all made up a picture of a skull with the word Silver written in every language.

Fortis: "Well this brings back memories."

Marcel: "What? So along with saving Galaxies, races, grand amounts of things you've managed to save you're telling me you also went to this other world."

The man/duo walk into a nearby dinner as they get some pie and black coffee since why not pie is delicious and Marcel hasn't slept sine yesterday at 1600 hours according to his military watch that Fortis somehow set it to because he thought it would be funny.

Fortis: "What nothing for me?"

Marcel: "Firstly if you wanted something you could just make it, and secondly what the heck did you mean brought back memories?"

Fortis: "Oh, that... well its nothing really serious, just the time I wore a silver mask, black and white tuxedo that looked to be from the eighties and proceeded to break everyone out from Arkham Asylum so that I could get a girl one more chance at life."

Marcel: "(Drops his fork on his plate before even getting to eat his pie) That was you! (He then looks around and apologies to everyone as he quickly makes a Bluetooth headset appear on his ear and apologizes to everyone) The police are still searching for you to this day (stabs his pie in frustration)!"

Fortis: "Well I mean to be fair Harley really needed some help getting out of there."

Marcel: "I can't believe this... my freaking mentor is the man who made it possible for the newest crime wave to happen long before it was due in Gotham causing everyone to be out of sync with everything."

Fortis: "It was worth every bit of it."

Marcel: "You were going at with Harley weren't you?"

Fortis: "Every step of the way."

Marcel just sighs as he drinks his coffee and finishes his pie as he leaves a hundred dollars down on the table for everything as he then leaves the Diner and continues looking around until he eventually comes face to face with his own face?

Marcel?: "Its a pleasure to finally meet the me from the other side."

And before Marcel could wonder anymore about anything he's suddenly knocked unconscious and when he reawakens he sees to goons that look out of it inside a room that doesn't match anything unless the floor plan was made by someone on drugs and alcohol.

Marcel: "What the f-"

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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