Level 9: Will

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As everyone partied you sat there alone with a pint of what was considered to be high class alcohol from either the home planet of the aliens who made this place or it is considered that from people that do live in this place either way, you're not really a big fan of it.

The only thing that made it even remotely tolerable was the fact that everyone was celebrating about how they were all free and that they could do and live anyway they wanted to, but you knew better than that as everything would get a lot worse because of what you had done.

As you drink and try to be marry with the others you are then approached by someone wearing a dark green cloak as they then come up to you a bit awkwardly before they then sit themselves down and try to drink a bit of the local alcohol having the same reaction as you making you laugh for a bit.

???: "Can you tell me what has happened here and why everyone was having the time of their lives."

The strange person had turned out to be female and that they were new to this place since everyone knew what had happened here since the only people left were partying in this location as they were the only people left after the final battle had ended.

You: "Everyone is free miss they have nothing left to worry about for a while at least, they are celebrating a fresh new start for the lives lost and for the future yet to be."

And after you both take another swig of the worst thing any of you could possibly drink you both then begun talking about how the world came to be the way it was now and why there was barley anyone left and how the overseers were more corrupt than anything as they saw this place as their playground after working too hard.

After a long while you could no longer do anything other than say "jrskfu" as you could no longer even see anything in front of you and the last thing you thought you saw was the green robbed girl in front of you and you think shaking you before everything turned black.

When you finally woke up again you felt like somebody beating the inside of your skull and even the very breath of air caused you to feel pain which you enjoyed but also hated as it had been forever since you had last gotten that drunk that you could recall.

When you finally woke up again you felt like somebody beating the inside of your skull and even the very breath of air caused you to feel pain which you enjoyed but also hated as it had been forever since you had last gotten that drunk that you co...

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After a bit of meditation and drinking a medicinal cocktail that you heard was able to either remove hangovers or at least lessen their effects a bit before then heading out to see what had happened to everyone after you passed out last night.

And to your surprise you saw that everyone was surrounding someone and after talking a bit with one of them you learned that they were called "Green Lanterns" and that they were the police all across the universe and that they were a lot better to deal with most of the time than the overseers.

Not knowing who they were or really caring you then left everyone to fanboy it with them as you went to look for the leaders of the different divisions for one last mission that you had in store for them.

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