Quiet Conversations

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                (Real quick this episode is going to get dark to reader discretion is advised)

A giant red light flashes brighter than anyone could ever imagine along with an equally as bright yellow light like they were looking into a very weird strobe light from a punk goth techno club that only those dead inside or those that look it can join the party inside.

Those were the emotions Marcel was feeling once he came face to face with the little punks who decided that it would be a good idea to mess with not just his family but his little sister in a way that no man should ever think about as okay!

Slimy Weasel: "(Tries his best to walk away as Marcel angerly walks towards him like a robot out for death) L-look man I was going her a favor! I mean I'm a pretty good catch myself and if I didn't do it then who would have?"

Marcel: "(Grabs the man by the throat, as tears run down his face) She's your wife! Along with the mother of your kid! SO what gives you the right to not only beat them to the point they had to go the E.R. and not just once but many times! (Throws him against the wall) And what do I find when I come to get your sorry behind? A man packing everything of value (steps on jewelry, money, and phone breaking it with the man and a woman very intimate together with only the man seeming happy.) With seemingly no plans in sight to see his supposed beloved and is trying to flee with my best friends Daughter!"

Marcel doesn't even wait for the disgusting man to even say a word as he kicks him across the face and throws him straight through a door revealing the scene of the crime... aka the daughters bedroom with many things that should not be in a little girls room.

Marcel: "(Looks around as a black light slowly starts to appear as well) I thought you couldn't get any worse then how I saw you but not only were you with someone young enough to be your own daughter you were doing (spins around the room) ALL OF THIS!!! In a place were not only your daughter to be safe but you dragged my sister in here and did the same to her as well!"

Slimy Weasel: "(Laughs) And what are you going to do about it you dirty N*****! Yea I said it and I meant it! You, your B**** of a sister and our little monkey girl are all the same! Which shouldn't be the case since not only did your mama not love ya enough to stick around along with your pa but neither did this fake white I called for cow of a wife!"

As the anger rises the Slimy Weasel man pulls out a gun from behind a dresser and starts unloading all the bullets he could into Marcel.... and as this all happens Fortis was keeping watch outside the apartment making sure to keep an eye out for not just the police but also Batman or any of the batman.

Back inside the apartment Marcel has just thrown the Slimy man out of the daughters bedroom and straight into the parents bedroom which somehow looked even worse and more twisted than the daughters room that made Marcel of all people almost throw up.

[And this is the same man that has seen child meta solders being fused together into giant mushes of meat as all the lost souls inside begged for mercy to be released from both their fleshy prison and what could be called life being the fleshy monster.

Sadly unlike Zatanna were she was able to help the poor kids no Abyss member had the ability to unmerge them which meant the best they could do was put the monster out of its misery as the villain who caused it laughed before going off somewhere else.

But thanks to Fortis's guidance Marcel was able to fix the situation with the only problem being that all of them had amnesia over the entire ordeal which honestly might have been for the best considering the trauma from becoming a giant flesh monster and dying might give someone.]

Anyway to say this was something Marcel did not except would have been the biggest understatement of the year as he could have never imagined his sweet little baby sister doing any of this with a man like him even more so for his niece that wanted to be with the little cockroach.

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