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While the team spars against each other and Black Canary while Fortis and Wally watch the match but this time Wally has an excuse since he broke his arm from fighting the Injustice league while Fortis just really couldn't care less about fighting everyone.

Computer: "Recognized: Zatara, one, one. Access granted. Zatanna, Zatara. A-zero-3. Authorization: Zatara, one, one."

Zatara: "Zatanna, this is the team. Team, my daughter, Zatanna."

Robin burst in stating who he was before telling Zatanna who everyone else in the team was leaving Fortis for last and making it more of a question than an answers when he said both his new name and when he called him Gold Lantern.

GL: "(Stands up and throws ball at Robin) Pleasure to meet you, (bows) and you can call me whatever you like I've got more than enough names under my belt for you to use."

And without getting into any further detail walks away towards the Bio-ship since he new what his team was most likely going to do next and didn't really want to miss out on any of it like last time so once he gets to the ship he starts drawing for a bit.

-After awhile-

Zatanna: "Cool drawing. But what is it?"

GL: "Thanks (Gives it to her) You can have it and sometimes its better to view something as a whole rather than it one at a time."

Was all he said about what he drew before boarding the Bio-ship along with everyone else and once everyone boarded it was time to take off as Miss Martian sped away towards where ever they hopped to find a lead on Tornado and T.O. Marrow.

-At Bell Reve.-

Miss Martian: "Warden Strange owed us a favor for stopping last month's prison break. He's given us 5 minutes with you."

Superboy: "Spill, Ivo. How do we find T. O. Morrow and his Reds?"

Ivo: "Now, why in the world would I know how to find morrow?"

Kid Flash: "Because and here's a truly dumb idea You're Morrow's biggest competitor in the evil android game. Who better to keep track of what he's up to, and where?"

Ivo: "Ah, I see your point. So let me rephrase Why in the world would I tell you how to find morrow?"

Aqualad: "He knows. Do what you must."

Ivo: "Oh, please. As if I've never faced a telepath before."

Zatanna: "(Does her reverse spell chanting thing.)"

Ivo: "Morrow's in a secret underground base beneath Yellowstone National Park, Wait. What just happened?"

Getting the info everyone left impressed and a little scared of Zatanna and her spell but more impressed than anything and it certainly helped that she knew what she wanted.

GL: "Well... That was something."

Zatanna: "Something good?"

GL: "(Chuckles) Yes, yes you were amazing (Pats her head.) I really do mean it and if possible do you think I can learn magic?"

Zatanna: "(Shakes head) I don't know I'm still working on mastering it myself maybe ask my father."

GL: "(Whispers) I may like magic but if I can't learn it from someone as pretty as you then it's not as worth it."

GL then walked into the Bio-ship like nothing happened while Zatanna became a little red from their encounter to which everyone noticed once she boarded but nobody said anything since they could tell there was nothing to say.

-Inside the Bio-ship. -

Aqualad: "Black out all external communication. Soon, Canary and Zatara Batman, too, I imagine Will know of our visit with Professor Ivo. We haven't much time."

Gold lanternWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt