Meeting the Fellowship

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As you traveled to different worlds you trained under the greatest fighters of their kind and to most of their surprise you were not a week little man but were very skilled at using different weapons but the weapon you were most skilled with using was the spear and the spearmanship.

That you had learned a long time ago from the Lizard men or lizard like people which was still the strongest way of using the spear that you have seen compared to other groups of aliens using a spear as well and after training on a little platform that you had made to strain while traveling you thought it would be a good idea to stop at a random planet to both learn and also relax from the constant exploring.

But at soon as you got there it had looked like a war was going down everywhere and that was because this was a planet that was ruled by a group of alien dictators from another world that came to that one to conquer and control it for a better way of taking over the galaxy that you were now residing in.

So, after figuring out there plan you did nothing for it because it had nothing to do with you for the most part as you knew no one nor was this galaxy your own so it did not matter all that much to you if it were to be taken over as it was.

And as you were taking your time to learn about both this world and this galaxy you had come to understand that the evil dictator was not really the evil dictator and you found that out by connecting the dots on how his soldiers treated him, and how for a cruel, evil dictator they did not really seem to be afraid of him at all.

But they were all really afraid of his second in command because they were treating him with the amount of fear and respect that you would only give to the guy that is in charge which was something you found strange but also really interesting, so you then decided to investigate even more and to your horror and astonishment.

You had found out from snooping around for one day that the dictator was forced to do all that because the second in command was secretly making every choice, he did for him and was also the reason he was doing that because he had kidnapped the dictator's family and was also poisoning him to make him even more aggressive and better to control.

So, after finding that out you then found out where the rebel forces were staying and to your delight it was a bar but to your horror you found that everything, they had served there even made the natives vomit, so you were not even going to attempt trying it.

And after sneaking into the back you saw one of every race standing there getting ready for what they deemed as the final fight against the dictator that was until you appeared in front of everyone in a puff of gold smoke and at first they tried to attack you but after swiftly taking them down you then told them of who was really in charge and what they would then need to do to actually win their fight.

And you were giving such good and sound advice that years after you are gone they will make a new religious order and made you as their patron of knowledge and cunning so as they were getting ready to do what you had told them to do they asked you why were you a stranger helping them and the words that you had told them were the words that the entire planet lived by because they thought it meant something grand but what you really meant was what you actually said.

You had told them that you were just helping for the sake of resting and what they thought you had meant and recorded was that you wanted the war to rest and for everyone to be able to live normally again but no they were just annoying you with their constant fighting as you were just relaxing and trying to get some R&R.

So, as they were following your plans to take down and take away the right hand of the dictator's secret operations and the only ways, he could retain his powers you then showed up as the rest of the group were making a final stand as a distraction so that you could move in and take, they guy down.

Because from what you heard about the guy he was going to be a real challenge to fight which just made you smile and tingle all over as you were going to be fighting an epic battle that could be able to fill a hunger you had not known you had lost since your time with the lizard men but much to your dismay the guy was really really weak and the only reason he was strong was because of all the tech he was using to help him win the fights he was in.

But to you a man who knew how to fight and learned that one does not need something fancy or high tech to kill but all they really need is a good technique which he did not have so as he powered up everything after you had told him you were the reason he was losing everything he had worked so hard for you struck him once and then saw him pass out as you threw him over to where the dictator lord was sitting in his thrown not even looking like a man anymore but more like a puppet with strings because of the iv's connected to him.

So after cutting all of them and then using your powers to heal him you then told him and gave evidence on everything the guy was doing to become the next leader of everything after gaining fear and respect on their side then killing him and gaining all the admiration and awe of the natives of the worlds he forced the empire to take over.

And after learning of everything the king had order him to be not allowed death and to be tormented for all to see on their home world for eons and after thanking you and the rest of the group that had helped him learn from losing see what was clearer than what he once thought was clear to him of importance.

And after you had celebrated and got to learn some new skills to help refine the flaws in you other skills you then left in the middle of the night for all to wonder if you were a man or were you truly a god of the world sent to help them in their time of need.

And that is all for this one hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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