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???: "Impressive mind you have here

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???: "Impressive mind you have here."

GL: "Why thank you, when you have an eternity with no one but yourself you tend to move things around a bit."

The strange looking man began walking around the blank space you called your mind with the only thing visible were the different symbols of all the different rings that were a part of your golden bracelet.

???: "(Laughs and then grabs you by the collar) Lets cut the crap and tell me how you managed to get this clean and controlled mind already."

GL: "(Back to reality you are chained up without a shirt and have cuts, bruises, and everything they could throw at you.) I told you live long enough all alone, and anyone can get a mind like this."

The man with a weird head in fury grabs a cattle prod and proceeds to shove it inside an open wound they had given you.

GL: "(Grunts)"

???: "(Turns away) Leave him be given enough time he'll be more than willing to talk."

As the man walks away you try to spit at him but only manage to spit a few meters and in doing so you managed to move the cattle prod out of you just a little bit and as you were content with leaving it there one of the minions saw and proceeded to put it back even further and harder.

GL: "(Grunts in pain as you look around.)"

Minion 1: "What do you think it's doing."

Minion 2: "(Wearing your bracelet) Probably looking for this."

The second minion proceeds to wave his arm about and making random sounds probably what he thinks you sound like when you use the bracelet and is also the second cause of your injuries because of how frustrated he gets when it does not do his bidding.

Minion 2: "(Hits you with a security baton) How do I get this to work."

GL: "Winey little boys like you can't"

Minion 1: "Hey maybe we."

And before he could even finish his statement the second minion pushed him aside and grabbed the cattle prod that inside you and procced to basically mix your inside about with it causing you great pain but not wanting to give any of them the satisfaction held it in.

Minion 2: "Maybe that will teach you not to be such a wise guy."

The man then leaves as the first minion grabs the cattle prod and forces it out of you so you could rest a little, but it was mainly to change the cattle prod for a new one as the one in you was almost dead.

You looked around and saw that since the guy couldn't get your bracelet to work, he placed it in an analyzer to try and see everything that it was made of and how to force it to work for him instead of you.

The sphere next to you starts making some noises that you can kinda understand but not really as you are now just a normal guy thanks to them taking your bracelet away, but you somehow manage to get the energy to look at it.

GL: "(Pants) Wait soon we'll both be free."

As you were taking the only breather you could the weird brain man came in with Superboy and proceeded to place him on the slab next to you as all the goons around strapped him in and once, he was placed in, and everyone left they turned it on.

And as you tried to talk or do anything the brain man came in and began talking to you once again about your mind and how you got it to be the way it is and how others could control theirs like you have.

???: "Now then will you finally tell me what I want to know."

GL: "And once again you just have to live long enough all alone to have a mind like mine."

Brain boy once again got angry at your answer but instead of a cattle prod this time, he tried to make you live your worst nightmare but as he was doing so the only thing that happened was you panting and gasping at the forcefulness him probing your mind was.

???: "Well then it seems that nothing I do will work on you so (Looks at Superboy) what about him."

But before he could do anything the man procced to slink away like a cowardly snake into the shadows and as you took the only breather you could you saw some things move and heard a little gasp while the device Superboy was strapped to was turned off.

???: "Well, Someone's certainly a glutton for punishment. Psimon says Forget."

You saw the brain man just standing still as Superboy bust free and started beating all the soldiers around him like the rage monster he was, and you honestly don't know if it was by accident or on purpose, but the guy managed to set you free by throwing one of the soldiers near you who had a key.

Once you unlocked yourself you slowly and weakly made your way towards your bracelet and just as you were halfway there one of the guards kicked and stomped on you as they got ready to pull their trigger on you.

And as you were completely ready to meet your maker the giant sphere thing came in and rescued you along with a no longer rage monster Superboy.

Superboy: "I got you hang in there just a little longer."

GL: "(You weakly point towards your bracelet.)"

Superboy gently places you down for a bit as he gets your bracelet and places it on your hand to which you start feeling a little bit better but not enough really do anything so with the last bit of your strength you force all the nearby soldiers to back away while taking out all the nearby machines before passing out.

When you finally woke back up you and Aqua lad where both in Mount Justices hospital wing with you being the more severe out of the two and needed the most attention and as you began to lose consciousness again you looked to make sure the bracelet was on, and you went out cold with a smile on your face.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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