Meeting The Team

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After receiving his I.D. code from Batman, Marcel then went on to meet some members of the Team that were either waiting, chilling, or training up in the watch tower garden area with the who was giving orders being some blond white girl that Marcel learns from Fortis is or was called Black Canneries and that if he were to trying anything she could go all "Back to Future II on you".

Everyone else just see's Marcel look up and wave his hand and arm at something with him going from a somewhat passive look to now one of anger and annoyance until the man saw Virgil and the two then went in and did a light bro hug as they greeted each other.

Virgil: "Oh sorry guys this man right here is the Crazed Marcel I was talking about."

Marcel: "Hey I'm not crazy."

Virgil: "Dude in Kindergarten I once saw you kick a kid for taking your stuff... and that's when we were both in the 3rd grade!"

Marcel: "Hey that little bas- I mean that kid had it coming like who just goes up to someone and steals their bag with all their (looks around and sees a couple of girls) .... collection in it thinking it's theirs just cause they now had it!"

Everyone just goes silent mostly because of that fact the newest guy that was added to their roster had kicked a little kid over a bag full of something he was collection with a few that knew what he was referring to looked a little proud for a second while the girls who probably understood where just disappointed.

Fortis?: "Alright so you see the pink and green girls."

Marcel: "(Under his breath) yea."

Fortis?: "Well if you try anything with them (Marcel then feels a huge pressure on his shoulder) I will make the entire time painful enough to where what I had put you through in training will seem like a dream."

Marcel: "(Grunts a little silently as he then goes off to sit on a bench as he puts his earphones in to pretend he's listening to something) Why? What's so important about them are they you're kids or something?"

Fortis?: "(Lays sideways in the air) That and one of my ex-lovers if you want to call em that."

Marcel: "(Looks at Fortis? super angered about what he just said) What? You better explain cause if you don't I will try to exorcise you and if I can't I'd be willing to get rid of my hand so I can get away from you."

Fortis?: "Well in their past lives they were the only women I'd been with since..... honestly I can't really remember when they first appeared in my life or when they became more than just friends and people who I could trust over the years I'd lived."

Marcel: "(Long silent pause) Just how long have you lived old man?"

Fortis?: "Can't quite remember but the oldest memory I have before joining up and being a hero I had just earned my 100th year anniversary at a galactic Virtual Reality Colosseum and not just me being there but it also being the 100th year win streak where I still had yet to taste the bitter taste of defeat."

Marcel: "Like do you really have to be so annoyingly arrogant all the time."

Fortis?: "Why yes... yes I do, also here comes you're man Virgil."

After saying that Fortis? flew above Marcel with Virgil setting right next to guy as the two began talking about random things mostly about what the two have been up too over the years what with Marcel moving out into Speed-Valley and Virgil moving back to Dakota after the whole kidnapping incident.

It didn't really help the fact that Virgil and Marcel were both from Dakota and that Virgil's dad really didn't like Marcel all that much what with his mom being the woman that she was and the fact that even as a young child Marcel was almost always aggressive even more so than usual for boys his age.

Virgil getting kidnapped when he was trying to help Marcel through his family problems was probably the main reason that his parents just didn't really want him to do anything else with their son/brother anymore because with these two things in mind Marcel was now a man they deemed too dangerous for Virgil to stay around.

But that didn't really stop him or the rest of the guys from hanging out what with the rest of the guys all getting jobs owned or managed by Wayne Tech in some way or another which was pretty much one of the main reason Marcel wanted to leave.

Since getting a job in Gotham was pretty much just do you want to take a chance and work for the family that pretty much has their hand in almost everything or do you want to risk death even faster working at some small place that might be famous but would also probably be a hot spot for getting robbed and just meeting zone for all the different criminals of Gotham.

After talking a long time with Virgil the two then get called by Black Canary back to where the rest of the team was as she begins to explain that in about two days they were all going to some old abandoned place in the middle of no-where as they found the energy readings of the area to be worrisome.

Hearing all of this Marcel was a little worried since he had no idea what was about to go down, what he needed to do, who his partners might have been, and worst of all would be how Fortis? would act the entire time or what he'd do.

The second mission would be another team staking out a known criminal hideout area to see who show's up as they got intel that some really dangerous things were going to that address and the League hated not knowing what they might have been using or what it would do.

Black Canary: "(Shows both missions screens to Marcel) Alright kids since Marcel is new to the group he gets first pick on which mission he wants to go on so that we and you can help him learn what needs to be done and what he might need."

Fortis?: "Trust me and don't bring anything since the power of the bracelet can just make whatever you need at in the moment or whatever you want when bored."

Ignoring Fortis? for a bit Marcel points to one of the mission screens with Black Canary smiling like a gentle mother almost causing Marcel a little panic attack that he manages to get under control as everyone else but Virgil looks more annoyed than anything with Virgil looking a little worried. 

Black Canary: "(Claps hands together) Alright everyone make sure that you normal lives aren't affected by the missions and if you need an excuse sheet you know where to get them but for now I ask that each of you just prepare to not worry anyone that you're close to that doesn't know you're alter ego's so as to not ruin you're relationships."

And with that Black Canary walks away as Marcel much to the prodding of Fortis? goes to one of the bathrooms and opens a golden doorway to his house in Speed-Valley as he slumps on his couch and calls home for a bit just to talk.

Fortis?: "Now that you're in this game I recommend that you never do anything you could regret since villains won't hesitate to end you if you get in their way so make a note to make sure you can look back and be at peace with what you've done so far and use it to push you toward a tomorrow even better."

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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