The Second

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Hector: "Hello my friends (waves) I Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya de la Rosa Ramírez or Hector for short, am here to tell all of you my tale of legend as you may call it."

Standing in front of many cameras to show everyone within the league or related to their operations, Hector as three lights shine down onto him while Marcel gives him a thumbs up from behind everything to both reassure the man whilst also letting him know that everything was going to be okay.

"Many of your years ago stood me and my familia or clan as it were during those times as we waited for the darkness to end as the vail of darkness meant certain death for those foolish enough to try and leave the cave."

"Every day was spent for the most part normal for us at that time as we only gathered what we had needed at the time out of fear the beast would soon retaliate and end all of our lives if they managed to find home or get in."

"But one day everything changed not only for me but for the one you all call Vandal Savage as we both woke up different the day after. With Vandal having been exposed to a giant meteor as I was instead exposed to a small metallic box that had rewired my person (takes off trench-coat off revealing the infinity symbol on the nape of his neck, both markings on his hands, along with a pair of wings on his back.) When I had awoken the next day after a battle with Vandal I had wished to become like him and later found this symbol on the back of my neck."

"At first I thought it had meant long life but later found out it was instead called Infinity which means that unless I will it death does not chain me down like Vandal disregards his own life for whatever his goals may be. Now we are both men of the past and I hate that man with everything that one truly can and I have made it my mission to fight this man and anything that he is connected with till the day we are both unable to fight anymore and even then we shall continue to battle!"

"We have battled it out over the many years we have both lived with whatever Vandal had taken up as his mantle of origin I was not long behind him with the enemy faction of there group ready to fight till the very end with arguably most of my life ending in death as I was not physically gifted compared to Vandal and have only been able to fight him equally in terms of raw fighting prowess."

"I will never stop myself from fighting Vandal even if he somehow manages to rule all of earth! With no one else to help me as it would mean certain death, for men like me and Vandal we can only laugh as that is something we have only seen as a mere hinderance compared to our brothers in blood and arms."

"But that does not mean I am only focused on my goal as I refuse to become like Vandal no matter what which has resulted in me being... different which made it harder and possibly what had taken so long for me to be even to the man I despise."

Both Hectors hands started shining Red on his left hand and Gold for his right as he formed a shield and sword from both of them with his sword looking like Doctor Fate had made it while the shield was made of smaller ones he could detach and use to battle as he liked.

And out of nowhere Hector started moving around in a way that only Fortis could truly understand and be amazed by as while his physical ability was certainly lacking in every sense of the word according to Fortis at least.

The man had learned to accept his faults and instead work them into his own style as he was using his shield to attack like both arrows and daggers when he needed along with having them surround his fist like scales when he attacked with his fist. His sword on the other hand acted like any and all mele weapons one would have ever needed as it make a spear when he pierced something, a whip blade when he made a curved attack, and when he wanted to slam into his opponents it would form a block in front and destroy anything in front of him.

Once he finished some air had blasted across the room with Fortis smiling like something inside him had reawakened after so many years before he shacked the feeling off and went back to normal as he still remained impressed at what he had just witnessed Hector accomplish.

Hector then continues to tell everyone that so long as they remain against Vandal and all those affiliated with him than he shall consider them a friend but if they dare to join hands with anyone who dares to call that man friend as well than he shall fight them just as hard as he does Vandal and that they should make no mistake in thinking he showed them everything he could accomplish.

Once that was finished the main man Hector put his clothes back on as Marcel cut the video to all the cameras and everything since it seemed like he was pretty much done with whatever he wanted to tell everyone along with it also seeming like he needed a little break from his performance.

It was honestly probably for the best and everything as while Marcel trusted members of the League along with the people they brought in he also wasn't stupid enough to think that meant none of them could become turn coats or sell the league out in anyway.

As it would turn out even though Hector seemed to have infinite abilities so long as he made the markings on his body apparently Hector didn't like having too many of them all at once and made a rule of five with three of them being taken up by things he would never get rid of meaning he only really had two slots left to freely change out.

It probably didn't that Hector told Marcel he was still recovering from a battle he had far away in distance lands after some guy flew in and broke the planets natural cycle causing everything to become disordered as a free for all battle was happening any and everywhere causing the planet to be on the verge of destruction.

Marcel looked at Fortis who seemed to have a vague recollection of him helping out more than a few planets that probably ended up like this once he left them to do their own thing as he went away to do it all over again with some other planets or whatever. Or at least that's what Marcel guessed after looking at Fortis's puzzled and anguished face as Hector continued talking about how much of a carless idiota the man was for just helping one group and not even sticking around to make sure they no longer needed his help. 

It didn't really seem to matter though since at the end of the day Fortis couldn't recall if that was him or not and it certainly didn't help that if it was Hector never said a word about anything that would help any of them figure out just who that might have been since as Gold Lanterns its pretty hard to hide what they are.

Later Marcel would introduce the man to his team and they all seemed fine with it if not a bit disappointed by the fact that  Hector wasn't going to join there group or anything as he was used to and much preferred going solo unless he needed help or if he needed some help with something.

They all agreed that it was probably for the best since besides Marcel, Hector was someone who stood out more than anything as he looked like a mix between the agents of Order and Chaos respectively which probably wasn't for the best mix when it came to mortals meddling with their domain.

Hector then looked back at everyone and seemed to somehow be able to see Fortis? But no that couldn't possibly be happening since only people wearing the Gold Lantern bracelet could see them and since Marcel was the only one present day... near this side of the galaxy that was wearing the blasted thing then it shouldn't be possible.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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