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Fortis: "(Checks pocket watch) A violet wind of change is about to blow this place wide open."

Garfield: "Uh... what do you mean by that?"

Fortis: "(Closes pocket watch) Nothing don't mind me sometimes I just rattle on about things (smiles and rubs Garfield's head) just stay safe out there and be prepared for anything alright?"

Garfield: "(Moves hand away) Ooookay that's what us hero's do best anyway (he then scurries off to do whatever else he wants.)"

Jaime: "(Talking to Impulse) I swear sometimes that guy seems a little (does the crazy motion with his fingers.)"

Bart: "(Nudges Jaime) You're one to talk mister I talk to thin air."

Jaime: "Look I'm not talking to no one I swear!"

Garfield: "(Pops up out of no where) Sure you aren't."

The three continue to argue until Nightwing comes in which causes them to go silent real quick while Nightwing was engrossed in something on a tablet he had in his hand not really paying attention towards any of them as he leaves to another part of Mount Justice.

Meanwhile Fortis was moving something around while also working hard on something with a laptop seeming surprisingly normal for once compared to how he usually was towards everyone surprising everyone who happened to catch a glimpse inside his room.

Conner: "Think he's sick."

Megan: "I don't really know it doesn't seem like it though."

Fortis: "(Looks up while still typing) You know I can hear you guys right?"

Megan: "We know its just-"

Conner: "Weird seeing you be normal for once."

Fortis: "Well everyone has things that they have to be a hundred percent focused on."

Fortis then excuses himself as he continues with his work while Nightwing calls everyone for a strategy meeting while Jamie and Bart both head out to do whatever they wanted to do while Fortis seemed to get more distant from his friends until Superboy came in and forced him to come along.

Fortis: "Wha but I got-"

Superboy: "You can do that later for now you looked a little lonely now come on."

Fortis was then dragged along by the half blooded kryptonian with the others to the mission briefing which did make him a bit angry but he got over it really quickly as this was a nice change of pace compared to what he was doing earlier which helped him realize that no matter what he should be able to have some fun even if it meant he'd die in a years time as no matter what it was better to live in moment rather regret it later.

-Meanwhile at the schools library Marcel is reading everything he can about Lanterns-

Marcel: "(Falls onto the floor from leaning to back) Ow."

Phill: "Dude you okay?"

Marcel: "(Takes book off his face) Yea I'm alright honestly just annoyed that I can't find anything on that guy."

Juan: "(Yawns) What guy?"

Marcel: "The guy who's been teaching us stuff (whispers) *more like me* every day after school for the past few years."

Tad: "(Eating a bag of chips) I don't know man maybe you haven't looked hard enough."

Marcel: "(Holds up book) You see this book its a book about every hero that is publicly known to be a member of the Justice League but no where in here do I see anything that describes the man... I mean there was one guy but it didn't fit how the old man acts."

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