Elder Wisdom

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Marcel: "Everything has changed this day. Not only because it is a time were we all grow but it is also a time with which we must all change. (Steps back revealing the brand new suits for his team) Now I know you all liked your own suits and everything and for the most part I tried to keep it the same but also make it similar enough for the under lining to still do its job."

Fortis?: "(Slow claps) Boo! You suck and this is boring boo!"

Marcel: "(Throws can at his head which goes right through since Fortis isn't really there) Shut up! And who asked you for your opinion anyway!"

Fortis?: "You did before you started this whole song and dance number."

Marcel: "No! I wanted your opinion on the outfits and if everyone in the Abyss would like it."

Fortis?: "The name still sucks and all black with dark versions of their colors looks like your trying to try out to join batman's team. I mean (snaps his fingers and makes the teams uniforms) Here we got Lotor that looks like a mix between an alien ninja and Samurai (points to Marcels knew outfit) and this one looks like present day Robin. (Points to Minks outfits) One looks supergirl as a princess which I do admit was her own choice but the other just has her looking like Tigress but all of its just black pink (musical black pink comes out of nowhere) the heck was that? Anyway Max can make his own and unless you got something like Beastboy then Fiona is just as useless since neither of them need any of these toys. And as for Vortus (Heavily sighs as dramatic as he possibly could) This is just a straight up suit of armor and would probably hurt for him to wear especially when he seems to be a gentleman and tries to behave like one since his old outfit is just what people from the 1800!"

Marcel: "And your point being?"

Fortis?: "(Heavy and full of drama sigh once again) None of these have anything that would make them distinct other than the colors I mean your supposed to be a team leader with all his mates not the leader from the freaking Power Rangers! If you don't let them express themselves then its going to mess with moral even if they try not to show it and that's for freaking normal groups of people! For you and all these other idiots that are trying to be superheros they all need something that would make them different and have people still talking about them days later!"

Marcel: "So says you! I would love to wear something else but sadly I can't (Holds up bracelet like he's showing off a ring to a court of judges full of sass) But I can't really be anything other than gold now can I!"

Fortis?: "I didn't make the thing and besides (starts twirling his hands around as he makes a cloak appear) you can make anything you want to wear besides that and are only forced when your using the full might of the Gold Lanterns power."

The two then begin a very drawn out staring contest between them with neither of them saying anything as they just stand (as much as Fortis could anyhow) until eventually Marcel looks away for a bit as he sadly proclaims that he was an idiot.

Fortis?: "(Places hand on Marcel) Don't worry I've known that from day 1 and if I wanted someone smart I probably wouldn't have had as tough a time as I did getting them ready like a did with you."

Marcel brushes Fortis?'s hand off him as Fortis? gives Marcel a little  badge thing that's nothing more than a purple swirl stamped on top a black pin and while he did find it very odd on why Forits? had given it to him but eventually cracked a smile as he looked at him.

With all that said and done now was the time that everyone from the team had started knocking on the door of their Gotham hangout (Aka were Harley used to live and stuff) which was just one of the hopefully many different locations that they use to secretly gain access to their true base of operations.

And as the team entered they started to inform Marcel and by extension Fortis? about everything that had been going on around the world for a bit like how the Outsiders were doing along with what the rest of the Team were up to.

Hearing everything that the Outsiders seemed to be dealing with along with the news and Lex Luthors face when it came to him trying to mess and probably defame them made almost everyone laugh especially Vortus who took a picture and apparently when he laughs it sounds like two clappers things smacking together.

Marcel also hears about how their families seemed to be asking them the same questions as the parents of some of the Outsider members own parental figures in their lives as well and how even though their parents don't really know what their doing they still worry about their children getting into dangerous events.

Keep in mind that last week the news was talking about some missiles being found mysteriously on the beach of Californian waters and a bunch of other dangerous things as Max and Vortus each did their part in making sure it was dead before it could make others dead. As everyone else fought against the group of people that were in control of the entire thing underneath a night club as Money, Music, and other such things falling down onto any of them were a common occurrence.

And through all of that pretty much everyone except for Marcel and Lotor got out of there without any scratches that were known or shown to the others as they each made their own ways home and slept it off after getting a check up from Doctor Fortis of course.

But eventually everyone had enough of that and started to wonder why Marcel their leader had called them all over as well as why he sounded so excited and eager to show them all whatever he was planning/hiding from them. 

Both Marcel and Fortis knew this was going to come up and some point and Fortis was just DYING! To see what Marcel would make up on the spot or if he's really give them the dull grab he thought looked nice or fit in with their groups little name.

Thankfully however that didn't happen and Marcel instead just started to go on about a charity event thing that he was now going to make otherwise all the parents that looked it up and found it to be nothing more than a scam in their eyes wasn't probably going to happen their superhero careers.

Eventually they all leave after telling him how and what would make a good sounding charity Marcel then went on to scream into his pillow every day and night till he got it done all while Fortis laughed like the Joker with the exact amount of time because this was apparently funnier than anything else he'd seen for far to long.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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