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Fortis: "(Blinks his eyes and looks around) Ooookay this is not how I expected my day to go."

Fortis had just woken up from an evening nap and instead of seeing his room or anything familiar since almost everything there was pure black with the only thing he could find was himself before a strange light started to shine.

After the wave of light came a room with human looking beings that seemed to be made out of pure light and whenever he touched one of them he would hear a voice like he was playing a game and they were one of those annoying NPCs that only had one line and never shut up about it.

Looking around it looked to be a man cave since it had a couch, some nostalgic music, a ton and I mean a ton of certain very graphic books, with some instruments laying around the place until finally in the last room all that was left was a giant round table with light figures all around holding cards with almost everyone having a lit cigarette.

As he hears the men laugh and crack some jokes eventually the room changes as the door starts to open slowly and creepily as all sound seems to stop with the only sound left was the creaking of the door as Benny Carter started to creep in as well.

Cigarette in hand echo: "Boy didn't I tell you to wait in the other room."

Child echo: "(Cries) B-b-but father I'm hungry and you said it would."

Just then one of smoking echo's stood up appeared in front of the door maybe slamming it shut as a loud click heard before the room was enveloped in light once more as Fortis was taken back to the room of shadows.

This time however he was not alone as the song that was playing continued with a child echo sitting in front humming along to the tune seemingly in a trance like state and with nothing else to do but wait for another flash Fortis began humming the song with the child echo.

But for some reason no matter what he hummed it didn't seem to match either the boy or the song but before he could reach them a pulse of light hit sending Fortis into another a place that could be pretty much anywhere.

Fortis: "(Sighs) Okay this is going no where and fast (rubs back of head as he looks around) and for some reason I seem to be getting teleported all of the place.... I wonder if Fate is doing this or one of his foes either way this sucks."

Looking around he was now standing in front of a run down apartment with one echo seeming to walk with no care while another seemed to have fallen as a van that may have been driving as fast as it could but were he was standing it was stationary but making a lot of noise and gas.

Walking Echo: "Man I don't really want to go to school today... Meh I'll just skip it not like they can teach me what I don't already know anyway."

Fallen Echo: "Ahh.... Dam... Just my luck (Sirens from somewhere) Dam (Chime drops as the echo scoops up a nearby bag and runs)."

What happened next could only be described as a stop motion event since the walking echo started "walking" towards what fell with full on walking noises and everything while everything around seemed to move like a slideshow with the echo man.

Echo: "Hmm.... (Crouches) What's this...."

Another flash with Fortis now standing between a creepy humming echo kid and an echo man holding something that for some reason he couldn't see no matter how hard he tried to look at it and as if some force seemed to enjoy making him angry he flashed to another place almost instantaneously as he appeared.

Fortis: "(Gripping his fist for awhile before releasing) I know I'm crazy and broken but come on what's up with all this echo nonsense."

Nothing except a diner environment where an echo seems to be talking to another echo with oddly enough an empty dinner with no one not even the jukebox playing or anything just the two men sitting in a booth.

Fortis: "Yea no I ain't playing these games no more. (Punches glass window only to have it get bounced back) Oh you have got to be kidding me!"

Fortis then starts to try any and everything he can to break out first a whatever was placed on the booth tables, then some stools, booths, tables, cash register, Jukebox, door, sink, toilet, pie rake, and lastly the kitchen stove that seemed to weigh as much as Superboy when he's pouty.

The plan for the last one was honestly just to make a giant bomb since the stove looked to be a powered by gas and it being heavy should have helped give him enough time to fill the place up to make a big enough boom that would hopefully let him out.

Fortis: "Happy new year and keep the change you filthy animals. (lights the stove and proceeds to get blown away and once he finally wakes up he sees a lot of blood everywhere were he most likely hit and started to cry as not only did nothing happen but everything went back to normal)."

Fortis doesn't even say a word as he slowly walks towards the booth and hears what both echos have to say not really paying attention since his ego and quite possibly himself have been hurt more than enough for one day and once they finished like clock work he was back in shadow realm with the creepy kid and mr.klepto now with Sargent annoyance.

Fortis: "(Rubs face) Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh this is such a pain in my rear why can't I just kill things I've done enough of that to where I'm at least good at that."

And as if he seemed to annoy the all mighty light he didn't even get a chance too see any of the other places as flashes started happing like someone set a camera on shutter until eventually everything stopped and the place was full of echo's.

Each one seeming to be a piece of something but Fortis was not having any of it and instead started laying down on his side scratching his rear before going back to sleep ignoring everything that was happing hopefully forever and that he would wake up back home hopefully without having to click his heels three times.

???: "No No NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS ALL WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Fortis sat up to see a man with a big head and

???: "I do not have a big head thank you very much and for your information I am here to have some fun without running into boy blue

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???: "I do not have a big head thank you very much and for your information I am here to have some fun without running into boy blue. And yes I'm talking about Clark (Face becomes the screen as he whispers to it) Talk about lame alter egos am I right (Slaps the screen back in place) Anyway the man making all of this thought It'd be fun to put me in and having nothing better to do I said "Sure why not" and here I am trying to help (Pocks Fortis in chest) YYYYYYYYOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUU Remember something but all that power must have (Drums on Fortis head) gone to your head since you don't seem to care."

Fortis: "What?"

Mr.Mxyzptlk: "Look read my name and find out I swear these beings of the third diminsion can be BORING but hey when you can read their entire life story I think all things would be."

Fortis: "Again What?"

Mr.Mxyzptlk: "Whatever anyway (Turns towards the Camera) Stay strong and keep growing True belivers and if you want to see more of me say so or so help me I will find you and make you a pie till then the poor write of all of this is leaving the pages as he wants me to say "hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace" like the kind weirdo he tries to be (Clicks button and)"

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